4 - yes father

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Eddie pulled up on his lawn and tossed his bike into a bush near the side of his house. Today wasn't as hot as yesterday. He opened the front door swinging his backpack off.

"Hi mommy" he calls as he closes the door. He doesn't hear a response and assumes she's asleep again. He steps into the living room to see she's not there either. Where is she? The pharmacy maybe? Grocery shopping? Eddie checks the front window to check if her car is there. Sure enough, it isn't. He dosent bother to call figuring she'd be home soon enough.

He wanted to ask her as soon as he could if he could go to the cabin with his friends. He already knew she'd say no, but he really wanted to and decided it was at least worth a shot to ask. Then he realizes he doesn't even know the details about the trip, and thinks how she is gonna beg for that to even consider it.

He finds a note in the kitchen from his mom and reads it

Dear Eddie bear,
I am out running errands and refilling on your meds. I will be home at 4. Love you my precious Eddie boo!
- mommy

He checks the time to see it's 1:30. He has 2 and half hours with the house to himself. His mom likes him to call her mommy instead of mom or mother but he finds it's annoying and childish especially considering all his mom does is force him to take meds he doesn't need and baby him. He doesn't mind her calling him Eddie bear though, unless it's in front of his friends.

He slips his phone out of the front pocket of his backpack and texts the group chat to get more details on the trip

Eddie: hey bev, what's the details on the trip?

Beverly: we are gonna leaving on Friday as soon as Stan is done with his camp which will be around 5:00

Beverly: we are gonna take my grandmas van that can fit all of us, I'll pick everyone up

Beverly: oh and we can stay for a week. Longer if y'all want but that's what I have planned for now

Eddie: ok sounds good I'll ask my mom when she gets home

Bill: ok 👌

Stan: yep

Mike: gotcha

Ben: 👍

Richie: YAAAAS

Eddie: did you really just say that

Richie: matter of fact I did Edward


Richie: SOS

Beverly: yoooo figure it out

Richie: ;-;

Eddie: I am too

Incoming call from: Richie

Eddie isn't really in the mood for talking right now, but he answers anyways


"Ayyye Eddie spaghetti"

"Hey rich"

"What's up?"

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