28 - Tozier?!

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Richie, Ben, and Mike waited in the rain for what felt like forever, on the side of the road with their thumbs stuck up begging for a ride. Only one person has passed by, and they didn't even bother to wave or anything

"Fuck it we'll just have to eat each other in the woods" Richie whines, upset about the car that didn't stop for them

Mike and Ben look to Richie both with disturbed looks on their faces

"We'll make it. Somehow" Mike reassure him switching thumbs

"I thought hitch hiking would be fuuuuun"

"Richie, we TOLD you it wouldn't be fun!" Stan calls from the van

"Whatever stanelton" Richie scoffs

As soon as they were about to give up and return to the van that was slowing loosing its warmth, Ben spotted a car coming from down the road

"watch them ignore us like the other people" Richie says and rolls his eyes "Well I call dibs on Stan"

"What do you mean you call dibs on me?" Stan shouts, who heard Richie from the front seat

"On eating you because where gonna starve and die here"

"Umm ok so your a littttle sick in the head" Stan replies fed up with the waiting

The car comes closer and closer, and just as they think it'll just pass them by, it jerks to a stop causing a tow chain in the back to clatter loudly against the steel

Richie runs back to the van alerting the losers that someone pulled over, and Mike walked up to the passengers seat window. There seems to be just one person in the car, and the window rolls down revealing a man hunched over rolling down the window to speak to Mike

"You kids need a ride?" The guy asks, with a raspy voice "it's awful cold out. And rainy as hell, what are you three doing out here anyway?" 

Mike gulps, nervous. The guy is intimidating, with his deep raspy voice, his head of dark curls flying everywhere, smoking a cigar

"Yeah, well we were on our way back home and our driver hydro planed..." mike says stepping to the left so the guy can see the van in the ditch. He laughs "Well it look like you guys sure got yourselves in one hell of a situation. How many people you got with ya?"


"Seven? I don't know if I have room for seven...any littler kids?"

"Yeah we pretty much have one"

The guy laughs again "you pretty much have a little kid. Well ok then, that's alright you guys can squeeze in the back seat"

Mike smiles brightly, and thanks the guy, calling over the group. The car is a pickup truck with two rows of seats, very small ones though so they'll all have to pack in somehow

"You guys needa tow too?" The guy offers glancing at the beaten van

Mike nods "yeah, if you can tow us that'd be amazing"

"Alright I'll hook er' up to the chain, you and all your friends can get situated while I do that" the man says getting out the drivers side door. The losers trot over, clothes damp and backpacks thrown over their shoulders. They all dragged their belongings with them

"Toss all your stuff in the bed of the truck, I'll throw a tarp over so it won't get soaked" the guy calls already hooking a chain to the back of Beverlys van

"Man this guy sure is generous" Bev says tossing her suit case and other bags in the truck part, gesturing for everyone else to do so too

"Yeah watch him like kidnap us" Stan says unsure

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