10 - eddie???

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He woke up from the loud chatter of birds on the tree right outside his window. He rubbed his tired eyes and looked at his wrist to check the time. Oh yeah. No watch.

He turns to the alarm clock on his night stand and squints reading the time. 11:18 am. He never really sleeps in this late, must've been tired. Well he did kinda cry himself to sleep. Was he being over dramatic? Is it even that big of deal? Maybe it is.

He reaches for his phone which is still on the foot of his bed. He scrolls through his lock screen to see a lot of messages from the losers group chat. He scrolls all the way to where he left of.

Eddie: I really fucking hate my mom

Bill: why what happened

Ben: what? Why?

Stan: huh

Richie: that bitch better not have...

Bill: Eddieeee

Stan: guys he's obviously pissed

Bill: imma text him and see if he leaves me on read

Ben: is everyone else really asleep it's 7:30

Bev: no I am here ringer was off

Mike: I am here but gotta go

Stan: why

Bill: he didn't read it. Maybe he's asleep??

Richie: oR mAyBe hE's DeAd!!!!

Stan: 🙄

Bill: well idk maybe he asked her about the cabin? Idk


Richie: what the hell else would he be hating her for

Bill: idk

Bev: well we gotta convince her dumbasses

Ben: how tho?

Richie: shit shit shit shit shit

Bev: what?

Richie: um well is this not a shitty situation??


Stan: he's obviously asleep, or like I already said just pissed

Richie: text us asap Ed's

10:28 am 

Richie: Ed's???

Richie: Eddie spaghetti???

Richie: Eddie???

Richie: Edward???

Richie: Mr kaspbrak???


Richie: I am telling you guys he's dead

Bill: dude why

Richie: well he always wakes up at like the crack of dawn so I am starting to jump to conclusions

Stan: starting?

Richie: you know what stanelton

Bev: just shut up were gonna meet at the diner by Stan's so get ur asses ready

Richie: got it ma'am

Ben: ok

Stan: alright

Bill: k when

Bev: um now? Idk? 11?

Bill: k

Stan: mike can't come though, he's doing farm work today

Bev: good to know see ya guys there

It makes Eddie feel good to know that his friend were at least worried about him. It made him feel loved, kinda. It's only 11:22 so they are probably still there. Hopefully.

(A/N) Here's ur daily dose of wholesome reddie au's

(A/N) Here's ur daily dose of wholesome reddie au's

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P.S. wanted to share this piece of art me and my friend made

 wanted to share this piece of art me and my friend made

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