31 - mom

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Richie arrives at Eddie's house and confidently walks right up to his door. Then he rethinks coming. All this could be accomplishing might just be pissing Sonia off again. He's about to knock on the door, but then gets a better idea

He darts over to the side yard and begins climbing the tree to Eddie's window. As he grips the bark tugging himself up, he hears Sonia the snake's voice pierce through the air

"Richie" she growls, in an almost playful tone that disgusts him "What the hell are you doing in my yard?"

He leaps down from the tree, sweat tricking down his face. He's shaking. Sonia stands on the porch in front of the door, crossing her arms sneering

Richie approaches her, stopping at the bottom of the wooden porch stairs. He stares at her with at first fear, then anger

"Can I help you Mister Tozier?"

Richie gulps "Yeah. Is Eddie home?" Sonia chuckles like a witch and examines her nails

"Nope. Even if he was, why would I let you see him? To continue brainwashing him and spreading your...disease??"

Richie breathes in and out, remaining as calm as he possibly can "Ha! Yeah because sexuality is DEFINITELY a disease dumbass"

Sonia continues to witch cackle "Oh you foolish child, with your witty remarks. I can't say I'm surprised with your attitude"

"Where's Eddie"

"You're lucky I don't tell your parents about your disease. About your disgusting queerness"

"Cut the crap Sonia, where the fuck is Eddie" Richie snaps, anger boiling

Sonia narrows her eyes at him and pushes her thin glasses up "He's gone. Gone. I wouldn't want to upset you too much, so let's just say he's gone for ever, and you will NEVER see him again"

Richie at first is startled and scared by this, then becomes angry and wants to beat her ass. Sonia snatches him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him right up to her ugly sweaty face, and looks him dead in the eyes

"You hear me? Not until day you die. And that's a promise" 

• • •

Richie hadn't talked for days. Well, of course he talked sometimes when he had to. But he never joked around. And never smiled. Never showed amusement. Nothing ever made him happy. Even when he hung out with the losers, he was quiet. He never made imitations, or called anyone by nicknames

They were all eating brunch at the diner one morning after a sleepover at Beverly's. Sure, everyone else had fun. They all assumed Eddie was just grounded again. But Richie knows. He knows theres something wrong. He knows Eddie's not simply grounded

He pushed his eggs around on his plate, just thinking. Not talking. The rest of the losers were telling stories, boring ones like "oh I fell down the steps yesterday and got a nasty bruise" None were interesting. Stories like those aren't funny anymore. None were worth commenting on

"Didn't that happen to you once?" Beverly asks Richie, who was playing with his food, in his own world not paying attention. Richie shrugs. Who cares

Beverly's face grows with concern, she sets her fork down and places her hand on Richie's

"Com'n Rich, he's fine. I'm telling you, he's only grounded again. He's not responding because his mom probably took his phone. You need to stop worrying about it"

Richie hadn't told the losers what had happened when he made a visit to Sonia

He sighs and rests his head on the window next to him, being on the inner side of the booth "Beverly, he's not! You keep saying this. I know something off"

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