3 - wanna go on a road trip?

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Richie fluttered his eyes open when he woke up. He squinted searching for his thick glasses. "Shit" he mumbles not able to find them. Without them everything is a blurry mess. He's had to get multiple pairs before, considering Henry Bowers has broken several.

"Bill?" He groans squinting up at the couch where Bill was sleeping before. He wasn't there. "Stan?" He calls looking around. Stan was sitting on the chair wearing Richie's glasses. "Why hello Richard" he says, arms crossed with what appears to be a smirk on his face

"God damn it Stanelton give those back I am legally blind" Richie says reaching for them.

"Shit man I am gonna have a head ache now" Stan laughs handing them back. Richie puts his glasses back on his face making it eyes enlarged again.

"Is everyone else already up?" He asks Stan while stretching

"Yeah. I think so. I woke up 5 minutes ago"

Richie and Stan stumble upstairs into the the kitchen where Bev was pouring cereal into bowls.

"Hey sleepy heads!" She says brightly. Stan waves and Richie yawns. Eddie is at the dining table talking with Bill and Mike, and Ben is chatting trying to chat with Beverly.

After Beverly's dad died a few years ago, she has been living with her grandma. In the summer her grandma spends most of her time outside gardening or out with her friends. She is like the mother Bev never had, and they took good care of each other. Her house was big, perfect for sleepovers.

Eddie has been up for a while and was happy to see Richie so he could ask what that sleeping situation was.

"Hey Rich!" He says brightly with a smile. Richie smiles too and walks over

"Hey Ed's"

"Care to explain why I was in your sleeping bag?" Eddie says

"Well you passed out sitting on the couch and I tried to find your sleeping bag but you didn't have one" Richie rambles "so I let you take mine"

Eddie wants to ask how he got in the sleeping bag but quickly decided the only thing that would do would just make it awkward so just left it at that and nodded to show he understood

"Breakfast is up!" Bev calls walking into the dining room with bowls balanced on her arms and hands. Ben follows and assists her grabbing a few bowls. They slide a bowl to everyone and take each takes a seat their selves.

"Wow Bev I must say you have really out done yourself with this breakfast" Richie was pointing his spoon at her and taking a bite of his cereal.

"Shut up trashmouth" she sighs smiling. "So I had an idea that I thought of this morning. I don't know what y'all will think about it, but it's just an idea I had"

Everyone nods curiously

"So my grandma has this cabin way up north of Maine and I was thinking we could all go on a trip there!" She exclaims with a smile

Everyone has different reactions. Stan looks like he's deep in thought, Bill is shocked by the idea, Richie is nodding while chewing his cereal, Ben is raising his eyebrows, Mike is smiling and Eddie is thinking about how his mom would never let him.

"Yay? Nay?" She says worried looking for an answer

"Y-yeah b-b-Beverly that s-sounds fun" Bill says

"Agreed" Says Mike, Ben nods

"It's not like I am ever busy" Richie says "and we can have a road trip like a big happy family" he says with a goofy smile

"My mom wouldn't let me" Eddie says with a sigh. His mom gets worried about him way too often and if he doesn't call with in 2 days she sometimes calls the police. They've dealt with her many times before, so everyone's used to it. The police don't do much anyways."that would be fun though"

"Aw man. We'll ask your mom later, see if you can. Because leaving tomorrow would be great"

"S-stan?" Bill asks worryingly "What ab-bout you?"

"I have camp all this week" he says quietly looking into his bowl. Before Beverly can speak Bill quickly says something

"W-well we c-can w-w-wait till next we-week" he states in a defensive tone. Stan smiles softly and Bill gives him a warm smile back. Bill has liked Stan for a while and has been being really obvious. He has only told Eddie and Mike, the two he feels closest to, that he was gay.

"Yeah of course we can wait till next week. Eddie, that gives you time to convince your mom" Bev says

Richie smirks, "Hey Ed's I could convince her tonight-"

"Don't even finish that sentence" Eddie interrupts. After a moment of silence Mike starts laughing until he is in a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny Michelangelo" Richie whines

"Its just that I knew you couldn't get through this conversation without a mom joke" Mike says barely getting through the sentence without bursting out laughing, and everyone laughs

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