27 - skrrrrt

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The next day, the last day at the cabin, the losers slept in late because of how late they stayed up the night before. They watched 3 movies and didn't fall asleep until about 5am. So late they even got to watch the sunrise, then go to bed. They woke up at 12 and spent most of the day packing and cleaning up the cabin before they leave.

Eddie tries his hardest not to mope around, even though in the next 24 hours at some point he's gonna have to face the devil. Maybe she won't do anything bad. Maybe it'll be okay. Maybe. That is a VERY SMALL maybe

Beverly loaded the last suitcase in the van at 3 o'clock, and the sky was already getting crowded with dark storm clouds again

"Damn sorry I had to take you guys here when the weather was shitty the whole time" Bev sighs, closing the back trunk doors

"Naaah it's fine bevvie boo" Richie teased "the rain made things interesting!"

Beverly shrugged and opened that van doors for the losers to get in "Well we better get on the road before the weather gets bad again so we don't end up driving off a cliff or something"

The guys make sad faces and nod, not wanting to leave their vacation, which makes Beverly laugh

"It's okaaaay guys I'll take us all back here again soon! Another time this summer before school starts!"

Eddies face grows even sadder "yeah right, my mom won't let me leave the damn HOUSE till school starts"

"We'll smuggle you out!" Richie exclaims punching his fist to his other palm

"Honestly though can we all please adopt you and be one big happy family and live here at the cabin" Mike begs

Eddies face brightens up a little, only a little though

"Come on guys, seriously before the storm comes" Bev says gridding her teeth nervous of the storm

The losers hop in the van one by one and get in their usual spots, Stan in front with Beverly, Ben and Mike in the middle row, Richie Eddie and Bill in the back. Bev starts the engine and waves bye to the cabin, Richie joins her and so does everyone else

"BYE CABIN I LOVE YOU" Richie wails frantically waving "BYYYYYE" the losers all yell at once, now all waving

Stan laughs "Ok, that was one of the oddest things I've ever done"

"You making out with Bill was even odder" Richie blurts

Bill tenses up and blushes insanely, and Stan freezes "God DAYUM!" Bev yells with excitement "All these fucking amazing couples forming on this road trip!"

Stan smiles a little, now blushing. Bill covers his face with his hands

"Richie WHAT are you talking about" Stan says with a nervous laugh

Richie smirks and looks to Bill, then back to Stan "I know it never actually happened but your and Bills reaction was enough to confirm my thoughts"

"W-wuh-wa-What? Con-con-conf-fa-fir"

"Calm down Bill big!" Richie exclaims, knowing that Bill stutters more then ever when he's nervous or embarrassed "Yeah, it confirmed my thoughts. You both CLEARLY want to make out with each other soooo"

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