36 - the escape (part one)

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Richie and Winnie pull up in front of Beverly's house, Richie had explained the whole situation with their mom and dad to his brother on the car ride there

"That's unbelievable man" Winnie sighs pulling the key out of the ignition "Mom's seriously been hiding out in the garage all these years?"

Richie nods sighing too, getting out of the car "Yep. You need to see that journal later though, it's honestly heartbreaking"

"Yeah" Winnie agrees getting out too "Wait, how did dad even find out about you and Eddie in the first place?"

Richie slows down as they both approach Bev's front door "well..." Winnie stops too, curious what the answer is

Richie looks down at his beat up converse "He found my note- a suicide note. I said something about Eddie in it or something like I love him or some shit I don't really know exactly-"

"What?" Winnie says with a sad and concerned expression "Did he even care about the fact that you tried to do that?!"

Richie takes a deep breath, not wanting to cry again for like the 3rd time today "No...he told me I should kill myself" he says softly, actually beginning to cry

With no hesitation Winnie walks over to Richie pulling him into a hug "Don't listen to him Richie. He's a fucking asshole. Please don't kill yourself. You're my only family left"

Richie doesn't say anything. He looks up at Winnie who is about a head taller then him

"I've been there. When I got kicked out I tried to kill myself like 3 different times"

Richie wipes his eyes "How- what got you through it? How'd you get rid of that...empty feeling?"

Winnie smiles softly "Philip. Philip got me through the pain. Now come on, let's go get your Philip back"

Richie nods and wipes his nose, continuing his way to the front door. He knocks on it, followed by Bev opening it with a big smile "Hey Rich!"

Richie smiles too entering her house. Winnie follows behind him having to duck the slightest bit in the door way "Hey Winnie, nice to see you again!" Bev waves, then turns to Richie "Ben and Mike are already here Stan and Bill are on their way"

Winnie and Richie follow Bev to the dining room table where Mike and Ben were sitting, Mike lining up various tools

"Hey Richie" Ben says waving

"Hey haystack. Watcha got there Mikey?"

Mike looks up from his collection of tools and smiles brightly at Richie "I gathered all the tools from the farm I though could be useful!"

Richie stands next to him and looks at the wide array. Mike points to a pair of big metal clipper looking things "These bad boys can cut through fencing if we come across any, which I'm sure we will. Then I brought a shovel, axe, a few bats, some flashlights, and some other random stuff"

"I brought some matching camo vests!" Ben chimes in from across the table holding up a big plastic bag

"Why the hell do you have 6 matching vests in  the first place" Richie questions laughing

"I dunno I found them in my basement" he replies "but they could be great for camouflaging if we get him out from outside or something"

Richie sits down at the table and looks to Bev "Yeah Bev how exactly are we getting him out?"

Beverley pulls her phone out of her pocket and carefully examines the pictures she took of the brochure, zooming in on every page and picture

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