20 - huge ass fish

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By the time everyone was up and in the living room, the sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Light poured through the mostly glass walled living room warming the cabin.

Bev is flipping pancakes in the kitchen while everyone sits in the warm living room talking or drinking coffee. Mike is the hardest of them all to wake up, he sits on a chair eyes still shut claiming that he's awake even though it's very debatable.

Richie and Eddie sit practically on each other's lap on the couch and Stan keeps giving Richie weird looks. The only awkward thing that keeps crossing Eddies mind is when Richie walked in on him.

Richie had seemed to forgot apparently because he hasn't brought it up. Maybe since he didn't have his glasses he didn't even see what was going on. Maybe he was too tired to remember. Maybe he decided to just forget. Whatever the case was, Eddie was just happy that he did.

"Pancakes are done come get em" Beverly calls from the stove. One by one the losers get up to go grab a plate and eat. Richie is the last to get up and gets in line.

"So you can grab a pancake and eggs too if you want, then there's butter and syrup on the counter"

"Thanks for this noice breakfast Beverly Elfrida Marsh" Richie thanks Bev bowing down to her before putting a pancake on his plate.


Stan bursts into a fit of laughter followed by Bill doing the same

"Your middle name is ELFRIDA?!" Stan wails laughing

"Yeah!" Bev snaps "And that was my dead moms name so no need to make fun of it asshole!"

Stan stops laughing and apologizes "Oh. Sorry didn't know"

"S-s-sorry Bev. I love it!" Bill says brightly making Bev smile "How ab-about we all say our middle names. Tuh-to get even. Mine is Edward"

Eddie smiles "Hey were twinning!! Oh and mines Franklin"

"Ofek" Stan calls

"Bless you??" Richie replies

Stan rolls his eyes "it's a Jewish name"

"Thomas" Ben says

"Mines William" Mike says "Bill your twinning with me and Eddie"

"Landen" Richie cough-says. Everyone bursts out laughing when they hear the middle name of trashmouth tozier.

"Richard LANDEN tozier?!" Eddie asks surprised

Richie rolls his eyes "Edward franklin kaspbrak"


Bev waves her hands in the air for a truce "HEY! Ok chill chill chill. Y'all just eat then we can go to the beach"

"But when we went to the river it was moving really fast...we're swimming in there??" Stan asks

"No, I checked it out earlier it's calm now. I used to always swim in it it's fine"

Bev throws her paper plate away and dashes to her room

"where are you going??" Ben calls

"Getting my swimsuit on y'all get ready!"

• • •

After an hour, everyones ready and they walk down a trail to the river. A trail near the path they walked down yesterday along side the river. It's 80° and not a cloud in the Sky. Perfect weather.

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