9 - bitchass bowers

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Henry Bowers. By far the worst bully in school. Maybe even in town. He doesn't just verbally hurt kids but also physically. (a/n) well u know this but oh well

Henry was across the street with two of his goons. The goons laughing and spinning their pocket knives, and Henry stomping on a kids bike. A certain kids, one that happens to be looking for his.

"Watta fag, do you see these stickers!" One of Henry's friends laugh

Richie looks to Eddie who seems to be really upset. He looks like he's about to cry. "Just leave it" Eddie says quietly "This day is fucked as is"

Richie looks at the sad boys face. His sadness makes him sad too. And furious at Bowers.

"Awe hell naw!" Richie exclaims "that asshole can't fucking do this!"

Beverly runs to Richie and grabs his arm pulling him back because he is already trying to cross the street to Bowers. "Richie stop, Eddie already said it's ok. It's not worth it"

"Bev that's the thing! It's not fucking ok! He can't do this shit!" Richie yells pulling away from her. He crosses the street to the enemy, the rest of the group slowly following behind him.

"Hey dick head! Wanna leave the kids bike alone and leave? Yeah thanks cause that'd be great, bye now" Richie snaps

Henry laughs and pushes Richie a little "Oh look, it's four eyes!" He smirks and so does his goons "And the Jew, the slut, tits, b-b-billy, and the fag! Your all here! All you pathetic fucking losers!" He yells and heads over to the group behind Richie. He's been picking on them ever since middle school, and now he's a senior in highschool. He walks right up to Eddie and spits in his face. "Still a germaphobe fag?" He grins. To be honest, Eddie kinda still is germaphobic, but not as much. He wipes the disgusting glob off of his face and gags.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HIM" Richie yells at Bowers pushing him to the ground

Everyone is in shock. Even Richie, who realizes what he just did.

"What was that four eyes?" Henry hisses getting to his feet. "Huh? Your a fairy too? You standing up for your little fairy boyfriend?" He grins getting closer and closer to Richie. He quickly turns though to Eddie and shoves him over hard. The impact hurts, and Eddie fails for his inhaler letting a tear slip down his pale face. He meets Richie's eyes, not knowing what he'll do next

Richie is wide eyed. In shock. He wants to help Eddie up and hug him, but also wants to beat the shit out of Bowers. Did he really just say that? Did he really just do that? Say that about Eddie? About his best friend? Shove his best, very asthmatic, friend to the hard ground? Richie thinks about how he's never been this mad before. It felt like he had flames in his stomach that were raging. His heart was beating fast, and temples got hot. So did his face. Red hot, in pure fury.

"I SAID, NEVER FUCKING LAY A FUCKING FINGER ON HIM AGAIN OR I AM GONNA MURDER YOUR BITCH ASS!" Richie almost screams, punching Bowers as hard as he possibly can square in the face. Bowers just stares into nowhere for a second, just before collapsing to the ground, nose bleeding.

Shock. Everyone is in complete shock.
Richie has just knocked out Henry Bowers. For Eddie. Henry's two other friends stand in shock, staring at their monster of a friend bloody on the ground. They look at each other, and slowly walk away. Richie has his eyes squeezed shut stopping his tears. When he opens them he looks right to Eddie. The poor, small boy sitting on the ground starring back up at him.

Richie lets the tears fall, which turns into sobs. He stands there, just sobbing. Eddie realizes the whole situation and takes it in. Before he lets himself run through it in his head, with out hesitation he jumps up and runs to Richie, wrapping his arms tightly around him. Richie keeps crying, and opens his arms so now he's holding the smaller boy Eddie. Richie's crying passes to Eddie, so now he is too crying into Richie's chest. They stand there for a while, embracing each other and crying for a little while before the other losers come over into a group hug. All in a standing pile, it seems. All comforting each other, because right now that's all they needed. Bill backs out.

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