26 - can we dip pls

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After the rain finally died down enough, it was 6:30 and and getting dark out. The losers have been playing 20 questions, truth or truth, uno, any game that didn't require them to leave their little pine home, they played it. It was when they were finally out of games that Richie begged for them to finally just leave considering they have been in there for hours

"But it's still raining, what if we get hurt like you did?" Ben asked worried

"Come ooon haystack it's not even storming anymore! It's just barely drizzling. And if we walk and not dash like the mother fucking flash like I did then we'll be fine" Richie protests, ready to leave. His leg still stings with shooting pain, but he'd rather be cozy at cabin then in the cold dark and wet

"He h-h-has a point, we can't just l-live under here forever" says Bill picking at the trash bag wrapped around him

Yes, a trash bag. All the losers look like a bunch of homeless people at the moment, wrapped in whatever extra clothing they brought to protect them from the cold rain. The heat was pretty much gone.

Bill had a random trash bag from his backpack on him, Stan wrapped his hair in a towel he brought because when his hair was wet it was long and in the way, Mike was wearing his sweaty t shirt he had took off earlier, Bev had on a rain coat and so did Ben (frankly the only normal looking ones of the group), Eddie has on two rain coats because Richie refused to not let him take his too, and Richie was wrapped in a picnic blanket that they brought.

"Well I dunno, it probably is still really slippery out there" Stan says wanting to stay under the tree

"Whatever Stanny the Manny some of us wanna get home!" Richie says frustrated. Stan glares at him

"Ok let's take a vote" Mike suggests "raise you hand if you want to leave

Richie, Mike, Beverly, and Bill raise their hands

"OHHH YEEEAH!!" Richie exclaims "4 against 3"

Stan rolls his eyes, and Eddie and Ben look at each other worried

Richie takes off his blanket and wraps it around Eddie "Common Ed's don't you wanna go back to the cabin and be warm and toasty?"

Eddie looks up at Richie, and at his warm smile. That sure does sound nice. Being warm. It feels about -500 degrees right now

"Okaaaay fine" Eddie sighs taking off one of his rain coats "but if I'm taking the blanket, your taking a rain coat because I don't want you get hypothermia or anything"

"Deal" Richie says, as Eddie unzips one of his rain coats and hands it over

"Common guys lets go, just make sure to walk slowly we don't need any more Richie accidents" Bev says crawling out of the pine tree den

The rest of the group crawls out and starts making their way back down the mountain and to the car

Eventually, the losers make it back to the car, still raining they get in the van as fast as they can and Beverly blasts the heat. She doesn't even start to drive, they all just need a second to relax

"We did it guys WE SURVIVED" She exclaims, followed by a chorus of loud cheers and high fives

"I actually thought we were gonna die out there" Eddie says pushing back the soaked hair clinging to his face

Richie pinches Eddie cheek playfully "aww Ed's I would never let that happen!"

Eddie swats at him "Oh stop that, that's what my mom and grandma does"

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