16 - no smoking!!

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Richie and Eddie caught up to the the group who was already on their way back down the trail to get to the car, and the rain is pouring down at a strong steady pace. They haven't seen much lightning but have heard plenty of thunder.

"What took you guys forever?" Stan questions Richie and Eddie. They look at each other, trying their hardest not to blush. Eddie does anyways. He looks up to see Stan smirking

"Well Ed's was having a panic attack and no body cared to notice be me, so shame on you all" Richie blurts

The losers faces turn sad and all give their attention to Eddie.

"Oh I am sorry Eddie! I didn't know I was up front" Bev says

Mike nods in agreement "yeah we're sorry"

Eddie looks at Richie with an expression of relief. He's happy he didn't do a more Richie-like move and tell them about his note and stuff. Enough panic attacks have already happened today.

The losers head down the trail they've already been on, on their way back to the car. They've barely hiked but with the weather it's hard not to slip and fall everywhere. In fact on the way back so far both Bev and Mike have fallen, and Bill has slipped but Stan caught him before he fell.

"Ed's want another piggy pack ride?" Richie mumbles to Eddie

"Shut the fuck up! They could hear, your so embarrassing" Eddie hisses back at him

Richie laughs "chill I am not your mom dropping you off at school or anything"

"If you were my mom you wouldn't drop me off at school anyways, you'd walk me into advisory and wait with me"

"She's done that before?"

"Yep. Of course she has it was the first day of school last year just ask Stan, he was there" Eddie replies with a sigh

"AYE YO STAN THE MAN" Richie yells causing Stan to jump and slip to the ground

Stan calls back getting out of a muddy puddle. Richie doesn't say anything, he stands there laughing his ass off

"Seriously what do you want, because that at least better have been for a reason"

"Did Eddie's mom walk him to advisory on the first day of school?"

A grin spreads across Stan's face and he tries not to laugh "Yep, and she 'came to visit' during lunch. Bowers got a kick out of that"

Eddie rolls his eyes. True, bowers sure did get a kick out of that. The day after that happened he wrote 'mamas boy' on Eddie lockers in sharpie, a great second day of school. He's used to bowers though, and that's nothing compared to the other things he's done to him and other kids.

"If he does anything to you, ever, tell me I'll kick his ass" Richie says now concerned for Eddie

"Yeah well then your getting yours kicked too"

"But it will be worth it! I'll take a beating for you! I already knocked him out anyways"

"Oh god" Bill says "I-I forgot about that. He's g-gonna be looking for us and w-w-when he finds us we're l-literally dead"

Eddie bites his lip and looks down. He didn't have to be after them if It weren't for him. Well he didn't really do anything wrong, but if he hadn't got pushed down and spit on Richie wouldn't have reacted that way. Or if he would've just locked his bike bowers wouldn't have gotten a hold of it anyway. Richie didn't have to even react that way though. So this could be anyone's fault really. It doesn't have to be anyone's fault though...

"Let's just kill him" Richie shrugs

The losers looks at Richie with concerned faces, except Bev who laughs lighting a cigarette "Honestly tho, that might just solve the problem here"

Richie stops so Bev passes him on the trail, and quick pulls the not yet lit cigarette out of her mouth, tosses it on the ground, and stomps on it splashing water everywhere

"What the fuck Richard!" Beverly whines slipping the lighter back in her coat pocket

"No smoking!"

"You smoke too!"

"No I don't! I've smoked like once and even if I have more then once, then I quit!" Richie exclaims glancing at Eddie who rolls his eyes. It's true, he has only smoked once or twice...maybe three or four times but he does quit because he knows it upsets Eddie when people do. Bev should know this too.

"Why do you care though?"

"Because some people don't appreciate it"

"Oh yeah who?" Bev smirks, trying to make things awkward on purpose. Richie makes the decision to make this not be

"Eddie minds, and I mind...and Stan minds too I bet"

"I don't really ca-" Stan starts


Bev rolls her eyes "ok fine dipshit I won't"

(A/N) this chapter was short and really bad and nothing even happened but I felt like I really had to just update so yeah sorry bout my writers block


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