25 - a rare dickcissel

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After everyone's up and caffeinated, Beverly suggests another hike. She plops a big trail guide book down on the coffee table and rifles through the pages.

Eddie had already changed into new clothes, and sat next to Bev watching her flip the pages. He sets his mug of coffee (which is now luke warm and he's only taken a few sips of) down on the table.

Bev stops at a page and points to the map on the bottom.

"This one is Emerson's Peak, which is up a mountain. It's fun trail, really" Bev says looking around the group "but it's up a mountain and kinda a tough hike...it's pretty steep too. The trail up isn't that narrow, but pretty inclined. But the view at the top is AMAZING and so worth it. What do you guys think"

Richie and Bill nod yes right away, both eager for adventure and not afraid of danger. Stan shrugs, and so does mike. Eddie and Ben just look worried.

"oh HELLLL yes!!" Richie exclaims jumping out of the chair next to Eddie "danger is my middle name!"

Eddie smirks "aaaactually it's Landen"

"Do nooot even bring that up little Frankie" Richie sneers

Bill also stands "That s-s-sounds fun! I th-think we should go. What do you guys think? Mike? S-Stan?"

Stan shrugs again "I guess so" mike nods in agreement

Ben nods too, unsurely. Eddie sighs

"I guess...I don't know, my asthma might get back if it's a tough hike. Maybe you can go and I'll stay here"

"nOoOoooOooO way your not going" Richie wails "you can go on my back again or something!"

"I am DEFINITELY not going on your back again" Eddie hisses, but still laughs

"Pleeeease Eddie spaghetti PLEASE come with" Richie begs

Eddie shrugs and stand up. "Fine. I'll go"

The losers cheer with excitement, glad the whole group is up for it and all get up to get their shoes on.

"Get your shit, and meet me in the car!" Beverly says, jumping with excitement

• • •

Bev hits the gas as soon as everyone's all piled in her white kidnapper van. Richie and Eddie sit in the back again, Eddie ties up his hiking boot and pats his filled fanny pack. He fit everything he could possibly need in it that he'd need for the hike. Even the bear spray.

"Ed's, your socks are so high you look like a hooker" Richie laughs pointing at eddies knee high (thigh high, more like it) socks

Eddie laughs and slaps Richie's shoulder "Whatever tozier, at least I'm prepared. Your wearing fucking VANS and we're going hiking up a fucking MOUNTAIN"

Richie shrugs "What, vans won't work?"

Eddie puts his forehead in his palm and shakes his head "Well have to see I guess"

Stan who is in the front seat is looking the happiest he's ever been. He has two books on his lap, the bird book and the trial guide book opened to the page explaining the trial they're about to go on "Ooooooh my god guys there are SOOO many cool birds up in these mountains! I can't wait to write about them! I have my binoculars right...PLEASE say I didn't forget my binoculars!"

Bill laughs who is in the seat behind Stan. "Y-yeah Stan you got them. There I-I-in your man purse"

"Umm, correction, SATCHEL" Stan says looking back at Bill, who blushes

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