39 - a new beginning

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When Eddie got back home his Mom wasn't there. Her car was, but she wasn't. Richie had personally escorted him there with a baseball bat just in case. Winnie had said she wouldn't be there, but Richie decided to still come prepared. The two packed Eddie's few belongings in a few cardboard boxes, leaving Eddie's bed behind since Winnie offered to buy him a new one so they wouldn't have to get a moving van

They returned back to Bev's with the boxes packed into Richie's Jeep. They decided to sleep at Bev's one more night while Winnie and Philip moved in the furniture. Now the losers all sit in Bev's basement playing cards

"What can I say, I'm just a poker god" Richie brags kicking up his feet on the coffee table

"Pffft" Stan huffs "No you're not, you're a poker cheater"

Richie puts his feet back on the floor "Am not!"

"Uuuh, yeah you are" Stan retorts

"Am not!"

"Are you guys 5 years old?" Bev laughs, laying out her cards "And no Richie, you're not, I'M the poker god"

Richie looks at her card is disbelief "WHAT?!"

Bev throws her feet on the coffee table now, leaning back in her folding chair "Yep, hand over the Goldfish!"

Richie scoffs pushing the pile of Goldfish towards her, Bill and Mike doing the same. Midnight thought it was hilarious how they gamble on Goldfish, but proceeded to play with them anyways

"Alright I gotta go" Midnight says standing up from her chair next to Bev. She's slept over for the past few nights, and decided today she'd try and go back home

"Are you sure you don't need a ride?" Bev asks standing up with her

Midnight nods and smiles "Thank you but that's fine, it's kinda far. I'm fine with taking the bus"

"Ok" Bev sighs "Well I'll walk you out"

The rest of the losers stand too and follow the girls upstairs and to the front door

"Oh!" Midnight says, attempting to go upstairs "I have your clothes on still, I can go change-"

"Don't worry about it!" Bev says grabbing her shoulder "you can keep them, you don't wanna get back in that bloody torn up uniform"

"Thank you" she says, giving Bev a hug. She walks over to Eddie and gives him a big hug too "Thanks for being the best prison mate ever"

"You too" Eddie replies with a smile. She walks over to Mike and decides to give him a hug too "Thanks for carrying me around the whole night"

"No problem!" Mike says "It was great meeting you!"

She begins walking down the steps, onto the sidewalk "I'm gonna miss you guys, thank you all so much for taking me with you"

Bev can see her tearing up "You have my number!"

Midnight nods, wiping her eyes. She waves again proceeding down the sidewalk, the $3 for bus fare in hand

• • •

The losers spent the rest of the day playing cards and watching movies from Bev's huge assortment. Everyone had fallen asleep during the 3rd, all passed out on the couch and floor

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