12 - pls can I go?

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The two stuck together boys biked all the way to Richie's house. When they got there they both got off on opposite sides and Richie guided them to his rusty car.

"I have to grab some stuff, you can wait in the car or come in with if you want" Richie says fishing his keys out of his pocket

"Why don't you ever use your car?" Eddie asks confused

Richie looks to him and sighs "honestly, I don't trust myself that well with driving"

Eddie laughs because Richie is almost always sure of himself, and didn't expect him to not but sure of himself with driving.

"Hey no need to make fun of me" Richie blushes. "I'm not I'm not, I wouldn't trust you either"

"Ok, so are you coming or what?" Richie asks waiting at the door for Eddie

"Yeah I'll come I guess. Is your dad home?"

"I don't think so. I hope not" Richie says worried. He really hopes he isn't. He already lied about not being around Eddie. His dad probably isn't home though. He never really is.

Richie opens the door quietly and look right to the living room to check for his dad, Eddie following closely behind.

"He's not here luckily" Richie sighs in relief. He walks up the stairs and into his bedroom. Eddie sits on his bed while you Richie digs around a pile of stuff in the floor

"Wow Richie your room is trashed" Eddie says laughing


"What are you looking for?"

"My wallet...I don't know where it is"

Eddie smacks his forehead. "No, Rich, my mom can buy me a new one it's fine"

"No because you have to been on her good side to go to the cabin, she can't know you lost it. Where did you get the first one?" Richie asks

"Uh...that one drug store by Stan's house. The pharmacy"

"Ok. Oh! I'll be right back I gotta get some stuff from the bathroom. Actually here come with me" Richie tells him

"You need me to come to the bathroom with you?!" Eddie exclaims

"I'm gonna make you better!"

"Your sounding like my mom"

"Sorry, just come on you'll see"

Richie walks out of his room and down the hall to the bathroom and looks back to see if Eddie is following. Good, he is.

"Richie, if your trying to fix my face I already told you it's fine. It's just a nose bleed and it's done bleeding anyways and then my cheek is fine-"


"What?! I-"

"Eddie shut up! He's in there!" Richie whispers so quiet, almost not audible

What?! Eddie mouths. The door opens quick and Richie shoves Eddie behind it

"What the hell are you doing" Richies dad slurs

"I-uh going to the bathroom"

His dad stares at him with narrow eyes

"Where have you been?"

"In my room" Richie says fearfully. His hates his dad, he fears him. If he finds Eddie behind the door he'll hurt him. Him and Eddie. He hopes he didn't hurt Eddie himself by shoving him behind the door.

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