22 - the day we met

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The losers drive back to the cabin in that rusty white van, the orange and pick sunset in front of them. It's been a great day. An amazing day Eddie thinks to himself sitting in the middle seat (the death seat as his mom calls it) leaning on Richie soaking up the setting sun. Nothing could disrupt his peacefulness right now. Or so he thought


Mom: Hi Eddie bear! I never use my cell phone to text but I'm at a Matinee and couldn't call but realized I had to contact you ASAP because I forgot to this morning! I hope you're ok I will call you right when the matinee is over.

Eddie: ok

Mom: Are you alright?!

Eddie: ??? Yeah why wouldn't I be

Mom: Are you sassing me?

Eddie: no mommy I'm sorry,
I'll call you later

Mom: Ok Eddie pooh! be safe!❤️

Richie glances over at Eddie, who's not smiling anymore, on his phone.

"What does that hoe want?"

Eddie's smile comes back and laughs. "I don't know. She wants me to call her later" Richie rolls his eyes "yuck. I guess you better though or she'll lose it and like call 911"

"Yeah" Eddie sighs looking back out the front window, admiring the fading colors of the sunset. The golden beams make everyone's skin glow.

"It's golden hour bitchessss" Richie says in a high pitched voice dramatically pretending to take a selfie. "I'm beverlyyyy and I like totally need to update my InstagraAAAAAam!"

The group laughs at Richie and Bev rolls her eyes.

"Bruh how do I sound like that at all" Bev replies "I'm richieeee and I like am TOTES in love with eddiieee!" She retorts in the same voice. The losers laugh while Richie blushes. He wouldn't say in love. Actually no, yeah he is probably in love with Eddie. He's had a crush on him since like 5th grade.

He thinks about the day they first meet.


In Mrs. Cozzie's kindergarten class, first day off school. Eddie walked in clutching his moms hand, nervous. Richie was dropped off by his older brother about 10 minutes before. His parents put him in Derry elementary's kindergarten just to get him away from them rather then for his education. Sonia Kaspbrak claimed that her son was smart enough to be already be in the 2nd grade at the age of 5, but the school board wouldn't let him.

Richie was scribbling on a coloring sheet with a crayon when Eddie walked in. He stared at him from his short little table. He watched Sonia kneel down and give the boy with the short shorts and polo a quick tour of his own Fanny pack, showing him how to use his inhaler. The little boy looked nervous as Sonia let his hand go and waved goodbye.

Eddie slowly walked up to the teacher Mrs. Cozzie extending his tiny arm to shake her hand

"Hello Miss, I'm Edward Kaspbrak. But just Edward is fine"

The teacher smiled taking his hand "Hello Edward! Nice to meet you. You can go color or play, whatever you want for now then in a little bit we'll start working on our ABC's!"

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