24 - wake up

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"Can we just adopt you please" Bev sighs sipping her hot cocoa

Eddie smiles a little "yeah I wish. You'd be a great mom Bev"

Bev laughs "I know right! A lot better then Mrs. homophobe"

This whole situation is something Eddie should be worried about, but he can find it in himself to even care anymore. Yeah, first five minutes of it sinking in was rough, he cried and was speechless. He didn't know what to think. After debating he found himself brushing it aside and not really caring anymore.

The group is scattered around the living room swaddled in fuzzy blankets with hot cocoa. Mike had picked out some random Netflix movie for them to watch. Eddie and Richie are snuggled together in one big blanket on the floor.

Eddie sniffles a little from crying. His eyes and nose are still bright red and swollen, dried tears make his face sticky.

Richie didn't know what to think of this whole situation at first. Was it his fault? No, how would it? I mean maybe, he was the one who picked up the phone. If he wouldn't have just picked up the damn phone, they wouldn't be in this mess. He can't imagine his life without Eddie and hates to picture it. He prays that Sonia Kaspbitch wont take Eddie away from him.

"W-w-when do we ha-a-ave to g-go home?" Bill asks Eddie

Eddie sighs looking into his cup of hot cocoa and watches the marshmallows bob around in his mug "two days, she said. Or else she's calling the cops to come hunt me down"

"Ok, but she thinks your in Oh shit or whatever the hell. Your not in Oh shit, right?" Mike points out. Eddie laughs and so does Bev

"Yeah, were not in Oshita" Bev says "in fact we're in the exact opposite direction of Oshita"

Eddie looks up at his friends and shrugs slightly to show he was no plan. He really doesn't. If he goes home, the punishment won't be as bad. If he doesn't get his ass home in two days, the police will track him down and he'll be a criminal pretty much. Right?

"I don't even care" Eddie says "I just don't care. I don't care what she does to me, I don't care when. I don't wanna think about her right now"

Bev nods sympathetically and pats him on the back. Eddie closes his eyes to hold back his tears

"I just wish I had my dad back" he whispers

• • •

The losers went to be early that night. Eddie was emotionally tired and his friends decided to go to bed at 9 with him since they were planning on getting a early start to the next day anyways.

Eddie was too scared and anxious to sleep alone so Richie slept on the living room couch with him.

Eddie squints from the morning sun shining in his face. He's curled up in the corner of the couch in Grandma Marsh's hand knit blanket. He frantically looks for Richie who's no longer on the couch with him.

Then he finds him, passed out sprawled on the floor. If it was hard wood floor Eddie would be concerned. But it was a big soft carpet, Richie must've rolled of in his sleep and somehow not woken up from it.

Just as Eddie lays back down Richie screams


Eddie springs out of his blanket startled and screams himself. He stares at Richie wide eyed. What the HELL is happening?!

He watches Richie shuffle and squirm around on the ground, still sleeping. He must be having a nightmare. He screams again

"What the hell is going on out there?" Eddie hears Bev's muffled yell

"Nothing, were good" Eddie yells back. That's a lie. What he should've said is "Richie's having a spazzum come help"

Richie continues to scream, mumble, and flail and Eddie kneels down beside him

"Richie! Stop! Wake up-" he begins to say, before he's slapped hard in the face. He dives back away from Richie. What the fuck?

"RICHIE!" Eddie yells loud enough the shake the walls and throws water on him from a random glass on the coffee table. Richie springs up and screams once more. He rubs his eyes and grabs his glasses off the coffee table

"What the fuck Eddie, WHY" Richie grumbles, drenched

"What the fuck ME?! Ummm no what the fuck YOU" Eddie snaps

Richie looks at Eddie with a puzzled look "Wanna catch me up?"

Eddie sighs and explains "Well you were having nightmares or something so I went to wake you up and you slapped me in the face. So I dumped water on you"

"Waaaait no I wasn't...I was dreaming about you how could-" Richie starts then pauses, perplexed. Then he remembers "Ooooh. Nevermind"

"How could you, What?"



Richie sighs and his face grows sad "Well I did have a nightmare. And it was about you. And my dad. And he was beating me and he...he...Well idk he was being...mean and-"

"It's fine Richie you don't have to explain"

"But I'm so sorry I slapped you, oh my god are you ok? I'm such a dick on a stick"

Eddie's face goes from sad and confused to laughing "dick on a stick? That's new"

Richie smiles, trying to ignore the fact that you could plain as day see a red imprint of a hand forming on Eddies cheek

"Yeah I don't know where I got that one. But really is your face ok? If I messed it up I'd...mess up mine too"

Eddie touches his cheek and feels a quick but not that painful sting "yeah really it's fine. I don't care"

Richie smiles, glad that he didn't hurt the one thing in the world that he'd give his life to. He thinks about how Eddie deserves so much more, and not all the shit he's getting from Sonia. He thinks about how he deserves a loving mother or even parental figure for that matter. He thinks about how BOTH of them do. He thinks of Bev and how she's the loving mother both of them never had

Speak of the devil, they're both startled when she speaks from the kitchen behind them

"Mornings around here sure are entertaining with you two" She laughs clicking the 'on' button on the coffee machine

Eddie blushes and looks down to his feet remembering when Richie walked in on him. Please please please say Richie didn't remember that

"Oh yeah I walked in on Eddie when I was half asleep and he like freaked out" Richie laughs hysterically

Damn it

Eddie rolls his eyes to cover up his embarrassment "Oh stop it!"

"Awww it's ok Eddie spaghetti I didn't have my glasses on no need to be embarrassed!"

Eddie plops down on the couch and rolls his eyes again "I'm not embarrassed" he pouts

Richie laughs and so does Beverly

"Sounds like somebody needs a coffee"

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