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:Okay that's enough information for tonight...👀

:What? There's no such thing.😳

:🤨🤔If I tell you everything about myself today, what will I tell you tomorrow?

:Your views on world peace?

:Goodnight Dinah Jane🙄, we have church tomorrow.

:Goodnight Normani Kordei

I smiled, in the last week I had managed to find out her middle name and about five other facts about her but that was it. There was no hint whatsoever of the shy and timid girl that I knew when we were texting but I quickly realized that it was probably because she didn't have to be around or look at a person when she was texting so she was automatically more confident.

When I walked into church the next morning I wanted to sit beside Normani. I looked around for a moment and finally found her sitting up front. She sat with three girls on her right whilst the rest of the pew was empty. Funaki, Kamila, Regina and I went to the front and at sat beside her. Kamila nudged me and made a face; I had to stifle a laugh when Funaki pinched her.

I noticed the the people to her right and immediately recognized them as her friends from the pictures I had seen in her room. When we stood for the praise and worship segment, I nudged her and a smile worked it's way onto her lips but she continued staring straight ahead.

I hoped I could hear her sing but all she did the entire service was move in time with the music and clap, which shocked me given the recording equipment that I had seen in her room.

Eventually I gave up and just listened to the service because Normani probably knew why I was watching her so closely. Once I stopped focusing so much on her I actually got into the service. My sisters left to go and talk to their own friends at the end of the service, leaving me beside her and her own friends.

'Guys this is Dinah Jane,' she looked me in the eyes briefly and smiled. 'These are my friends Choie, Jazz and Jilly.'

Once we had all greeted each other, Kamila and Funaki both excuses themselves to go. I noticed the guy who had been playing the keyboard earlier
coming over to us with his friend. 'Normani hey.'

She looked surprised that he was talking to her. 'Hi Sam.'

'Who's your friend?'

'Oh, this is Dinah Jane. Dinah this is Sam and that's Lyndon.'

Sam smiled. I had to admit that he was gorgeous. For starters he was taller than me, and he was built like an athlete. He turned to Normani. 'Do you mind if I talk to her for a moment?'

'No,' Normani shrugged. 'It's Dinah Jane's choice.'

I could have sworn her voice dropped an octave lower when she said my name but that had to be in my head. Normani had already turned back to her friends so I allowed Sam to pull me aside so he could say whatever he had to say.

'Hi Dinah. So I'm a straight shooter. I like you and I would like to take you out sometime.'

'You're a stranger. And don't say I can trust you just because I'm meeting you in church.'

He smirked. 'Okay ask anyone in here who knows me if I'm trustworthy and they'll tell you yes.'

For a moment I thought he was bluffing so I decided to call his bluff. 'I'll ask Normani, I trust her,' I walked up to Normani and I could feel his presence behind me. 'Mani is Sam the kind of guy that I can trust?'

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