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'Dinah hey,' Sam laughed, 'what are you doing for your second Saturday of 2016?'

'You mean today?'

Sam laughed. 'Yes today, what are you doing today?'

'I'm about to go and meet Mani at a café.'

'Oh that sounds fun, can I come? I like cafés.'

I rolled my eyes as I got into my car. 'No can do, she took me to it shortly after I moved here and I christened it our spot. I don't think she'd appreciate  me bringing you or anyone else to it. Also, I know you were very understanding when I told you that I kissed her again but don't you think that would be awkward?'

'You said that you were curious about girls and kissing her helped you realize that you weren't really into them. So it shouldn't be awkward right?'

'I love your optimism but trust me you're not bored enough for that. Why don't you call Lyndon?'

Sam groaned. 'Lyndon won't be awake till noon at least. I guess I'll just destroy my brain cells playing call of duty while I'm home alone.'

'I'll come over afterwards and we can hang out then okay?'

'Okay fine,'  he groaned. 'Have fun at your lunch.'

Normani was already inside at the same table that we always sat at speaking on her phone. She hung and stood as I sat down, then when I stood, she sat. Finally she came over to my side of the table and hugged me tightly. Given our last interaction which was a heated discussion on Christmas, I figured she would let go, but she didn't, at least not immediately.

After what felt like seconds but was really much longer than social etiquette mandated, I felt her arms loosen and she finally pulled away. Her eyes flicked down to my left wrist, where I was wearing the charm bracelet that she'd gotten me.

'Thank you giving it to me, it's beautiful. And it goes with everything in my closet, so that's a bonus.'

'That's what I was thinking of when I got it,' Normani answered wryly. 'You changed you hair. It's wavier and a little darker, I like it.'

I smiled involuntarily, 'thank you. New year, new me and all that right? I decided to stop straightening it so much.'

'That's good, it suits you. I just ordered so everything would be warm when you got here.'

'Thank you, so how has your new year been so far?'

She shrugged, 'it pretty much just feels like last year to be honest. Uhm I met with Nikki earlier, it's the second time this week, our therapists were there. I think it's helping both of us you know? She was never really going to move on until she spoke to me.'

'I still don't like but if you think it's helping you then that's what's important.'

'How has your new year been? How are things with Sam?'

'Things with Sam are finally good, and the new year's been super busy. The house kind of feels empty without my family there. It's weird. So the reason that I asked you to meet me here was because I never got to give you your gift. And more importantly, I want to apologize for what I said to you. I was completely out of line and I was being hypocritical considering how quickly I got together with Sam after meeting him. I guess a part of me is jealous of the person who will eventually get to be with you.'

Normani stared down at her hands as she spoke. 'It could be you.'


'I know, sorry.'

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