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I took several deep breaths to calm myself as I faced the minister while waiting for Dinah to walk down the aisle. Despite this being our second ceremony (the first one having been a 3 day Tongan ceremony), my throat felt dry; I hated being in front of so many people.

The music changed and Dinah appeared at the end of aisle with her father. Our eyes met, but I couldn't exactly see because I had forgotten to wear my contacts that morning. I let outs breathe that I hadn't even realized I was holding when she finally got to where I stood, with Sam's father who had graciously agreed to officiate.

'Hi,' she murmured as she took my hand. 'You look incredible.'

'So do you baby.'

'I can't wait to get that dress off you later.'

Frank cleared his throat, 'if you two are done, can I begin?'

'Of course, go ahead.'

I barely paid attention to any of what happened and I went through the motions and said everything that I had to on cue. In truth, Dinah and I were already married, on the exact same day as the one when we met. The ceremonies after were for our friends' and families' benefits more than ours. And yes, technically we did elope, but it was for a perfectly good reason. Well not really.


'Dinah if you wanted to murder me there are much simpler ways to do it.'

She laughed but didn't respond as we hiked up further.

'Okay now you have to put this on,' she handed me a blindfold. 'Please?'

'Fine, but if I die, I will haunt you.'

The last thing I saw was her smile. She took my hand once I was blindfolded and we walked for what felt like ten minutes, but I couldn't be sure. We stopped again and she took the blindfold off and replaced it with her hands.

'Keep them closed for a minute...'

'Dinah,' I complained but did as she asked.

'Okay now open them.'

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust but then I saw the little natural waterfall and the clearing decorated with lights and a dinner table. What caught my eye though was Dinah on one knee, with a little box in her hand.



I pulled her up into an embrace, both of us laughing so hard that we were shaking. 'Wait I have to ask you first babe.'

'Doesn't matter, the answer is yes.'

'Shut up and let me do this right!' Dinah pulled away slightly to look at me. 'I've been walking around with this everyday for two months, let me do it how I planned it.'


She made me sit down on one of the chairs while she got back down on one knee. 'Shit, I've forgotten my speech. I had jokes and everything in there.'

'It's okay, just speak from your heart.'

'Okay,' Dinah cleared her throat. 'I love you Normani Hamilton and although getting to this point hasn't been easy, I wouldn't change any of it because it lead to us being here in this moment together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If reincarnation is real, I will find you in every lifetime and love you unconditionally.'

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