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'My first kiss sucked. We both had no clue what we were doing and it was just awkward.'

Normani tilted her head and studied me. After what seemed like forever, she straddled me, eyes focused on my lips. I watched, mesmerized as Normani leaned in, pausing just a breath away from my lips in a silent question.

In the end it was I who gave in and brushed my lips against hers before capturing her bottom lip between mine. Normani cupped my face and brought our bodies together, tilting her head to deepen our kiss and causing me to release a breathy moan against her lips.

Normani pulled away briefly to take a breath and I pulled her back in, already missing the taste of the older girl. She smelt like flowers on a sunny day. She tasted like innocence and calm. A part of me swore the moon shined brighter as the stars gave their applause in the distance.

And just like that, I was undeniably hooked. There was no going back. We both felt it as Normani unbuttoned her shirt first before disposing of mine.

Before she could touch me, one of our phones rang.

'It's for you,' Normani held the phone out to me. I thought she would move but she seemed perfectly content to remain where she was.


The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I checked to make sure Normani was still asleep before answering.


'Hey Dinah, I just realized how early it is. I really hope I didn't wake you or anything?'

I frowned. 'Sam? What's up?'

'You were still sleeping weren't you? Just go back to sleep and I'll talk to you later.'

I looked over at Normani who was still asleep and a smile formed on my face. 'Seeing as I am already awake we might as well just talk now.'

'I guess. How are you?'

'I'm okay. Are you?' I asked with a sigh as I ran a a hand through my hair.

'Yes I am, I was thinking that if you're free tonight, then I could show you some of the best chill spots and maybe take you out to dinner for pizza afterwards? As a date I mean. We could totally do something else if you're not into that.'

Normani turned and lay on her side. I put my hand over hers and a smile of contentment made its way onto her face. 'No it's okay I am. That sounds good.'

'So I'll pick you up this afternoon? Just let me know when you're ready and I'll come over.'

'Yeah. You know where Normani lives right?'


'Yeah Normani, you asked her who I was then she introduced us. Arielle's little sister.'

'I know who Normani is, why are we talking about her?'

I stifled a yawn. 'I live across the street from her. So if you know where she lives then you know where I live, kind of.'

'Oh you're her neighbor. I've been a few times. So I'll pick you up at 7? I'm sorry for calling so early.'

'It's okay, see you at 7.'

I looked back down at Normani and her brow was furrowed. At first I thought she was awake because she was mumbling until I remembered her saying that she was a talker. I lay back down beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist. A sigh escaped her lips and she relaxed into me whilst I only seemed to become more tense as I remembered my dream.

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