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'Normani it's been forever! How are you?' Zendaya hadn't stopped since we got on face time.

'I'm good, I kind of miss you. How are you?'

Zendaya scoffed. 'Kind of? Little girl...'

'I'm older than you.'

'I'm wiser. And you're an ass for lying. Dinah and Choie told me everything. I need to come down there and check some people.'

'It's no big deal, plus nothing has happened since. Plus it's almost Christmas so I'm happy.'

Once again, Zendaya made a less than lady like noise. 'What part of everything are you missing?'

'Oh, she told you about that?'

'Dinah has this romanticized idea of love and what it should be. She has always had this preconceived notion of knights in shining armor and white horses.'

'She asked for more than I could give, that's why it didn't work out.'

Zendaya frowned. 'What do you mean? Did she leave something out?'

'She wants everything, every part of me. And she's right, I can't give her that right now.'

'You can't or you won't?'

'The last person that I trusted with my heart left it bleeding and beaten up and bruised. I put band aids and duct tape over it and for the longest time that worked. Then Dinah walked into my life and started pulling off the tape. Now I'm trying to fix it for real. My heart isn't good enough for her right now. It isn't good enough for anyone.'

'Don't say that,' the Californian mumbled sadly.

I shrugged. 'I can't give her everything.'

'Maybe you're not ready for what she wants, but we both know that she doesn't belong with Sam. He needs to go.'

'You're going to have to talk to your best friend about that. Anything I say about him will be misconstrued.'

'Shit I'm sorry Mani I gotta go and start getting ready for this shoot, tell your family I said hi.'

'I will, bye Z.'

I decided to take Lola out for a longer walk this morning since she was restless and running all over my room. Since I had started school, I didn't have as much time to take her out on walks and just let her run around until she was tired anymore. I put on my headphones and Party was the first song to play as we left the house. This song always reminded me of the day that I met her.


Choie and I got excited when Party came on. I started dancing and doing tricks on my skates in time to the music. I started skating backwards and Choie waved her hands frantically at me. I stopped skating and turned around just in time for a girl who was barely able to stay on her skates to bump into me.

She grabbed onto me for balance and only succeeded in causing both of us to fall and me to hit my head on the floor. 'Oh my gosh, are you okay? I'm so sorry. This was a stupid idea. I can barely ice skate, I don't know why my friends thought that putting me on wheels would be any better.'

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