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My eyes opened at the sound of the quiet knock on the door. I had stopped setting my alarm after the first three times because Normani knocked on my door at the same time every morning. I walked over to the door and there was breakfast on a tray and a note.

Hey, I know it's corny but you are a-maize-ing.
I hope you have an awesome day and I can't wait to hear all about it later.

I smiled at the fact that she insisted on signing all her notes as though after a week and a half of having breakfast delivered to my door with a note from her, I'd somehow make a mistake one day and assume that Preslee was responsible. As my way of saying thank you, I made sure to get home before her and make dinner and we talked about our days.

The next morning, instead of a note, there was a fresh rose. I could hear her still moving around downstairs, so I took my plate and rose downstairs and found her having breakfast in the kitchen while Preslee munched on her food beside her.

'Hey I didn't know you'd still be home. You usually rush off before I can even open the door.'

'No I just hide inside my room, wait for you to read the note then I come down here and eat breakfast. Sometimes in the kitchen and sometimes in here, one time outside but Preslee kept trying to get to my plate so I stopped that.'

'You know you don't have to make me breakfast every day nor are you forbidden from eating it with me if you choose to make it right?'

She shrugged, 'I know, the first time I really just wanted to do something nice. But I kind of like seeing all the different expressions on your face when you open the door. You always look so confused when you open the door and don't see me there. Then you roll your eyes when you pick up the note because you don't want to laugh at whatever's on there. But then you get this big and happy smile on your face and my world just stops for a moment. Then my day begins.'

'I don't know what to say...'

'It's okay, I know it's pretty weird. I'll stop if you want me to.'

'No, from now on can we have breakfast together?'

She grinned, 'you just want to eat off my plate even though we have the same exact thing.'

'Guilty as charged. I'm guessing by your attire that you're going into work today.'

'Yes, you're hanging out with Ava and Grace at some point today right?'

'Yes, we're going to the aquarium.'

I shrugged, 'no don't rush, Preslee and I are going to have fun making music aren't we? She says yes.'

When she was done, she ran upstairs to go and brush her teeth and grab a few things then she came downstairs to say bye to Preslee and I.

'Okay I will see you later?'

'Yes you will, have an amazing day.'

Preslee started barking as soon as Normani was gone. 'What?'

She rolled her eyes and went off into the other room. The front door opened and I heard Normani run into the kitchen and get her car keys off the hook. 'Hey, I forgot my keys—'

'–wait,' I said, standing up from the stool. Normani stared at me in confusion as I walked over to where she stood. One thing that hadn't changed was the tension between us. Her breath hitched as I wrapped an arm around her waist. I hesitated as I leaned in, not because I was unsure, but because I wanted to give her the option to pull away if she wasn't ready.

The moment our lips met, goosebumps formed on my bare arms and I felt shivers all over my body. I pushed her back against the wall and one of Normani's hands slipped underneath my top, but she never moved it up any further. Her other hand rested below my ear; her thumb caressed my cheek as she pulled me closer. She had the dopiest grin on her face when I finally pulled away.

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