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Trigger warning ⚠️: abuse

This is a longish. I tried to proofread as much as I could but my eyes got tired after a while

'You're taking us roller skating?'

'Yeah I am. And you're meeting my friends. We'll probably get something to eat afterwards.'

'Meeting the friends already huh?'

Zendaya shrugged. 'I need to know that I'm leaving my best friend in safe hands. As per our agreement you're ready to drop your friends if I don't like them yes?'

'He's not dropping his friends. Tell me you didn't agree to that.'

'It's your life,' Zendaya muttered. Sam put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side as we walked into the building. His friends had already gotten their skates so we went and paid for ours.

'Guys this is Dinah and Zendaya. Ladies these are my idiot friends. Don't listen to anything they say.'

Besides Lyndon there was two other guys whose names were Josh and James and two girls whose names were Abi and Sarah. Abi took my hand and pulled onto the rink, leaving the others to follow behind us.

'Sam hasn't stopped talking about you since he got your number at church. You're from Santa Ana?'

'Yes I am. Have we met before at church?'

Abi shook her head. 'No we have not, but I've seen you around. You're friends with Normani.'

'You know Normani?'

'Yeah, the three of us, Sam, Mani and me used to hang out last summer. I moved to Houston two years ago from New York and Mani was really nice to me.'

I tilted my head and gave her a quizzical expression. 'Really? She's never mentioned you.'

'Normani isn't always the most forthcoming person.'

'Try never, getting anything from her is like pulling teeth.'

I decided I liked Abi. She was sweet, funny and she exuded confidence in everything she did. After a while of us ignoring everyone else and her telling me so many stories about Normani, Zendaya came to steal her away so I could get to know the rest of Sam's friends.

After our session was over, Lyndon picked out the place we were going to eat since he won our skate off. What surprises me was that instead of riding with us, Zendaya chose to go with Lyndon, Abi and Sarah. With me Abi was sweet, but she turned into someone that I was sure even I couldn't resist with Zendaya, the whole time that they skated together.

'So what did you think?'

'Your friends are cool, I actually really enjoyed spending time with them.'

Sam grinned. 'I think Z likes them too. More specifically one.'

'Have you and Abi ever...'

'Not really. She was actually Normani's friend and I sort of had a crush on her, that's why I hung out with them all summer. But nothing ever happened.'

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