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'Let me get one of those from you,' Normani said as she took the two boxes that were balancing precariously on top of the one that I held. She took it upstairs into her room— our room which was cluttered and messy from all of our boxes. I stared at everything, even with our friends helping, there was no way that we'd get everything unpacked and in its correct place in one night. We didn't even have furniture yet other than Normani's desk, which was the only thing that we, well she had decided to keep.

My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything since we got up that morning. As if on cue, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of our lunch. Normani came back downstairs and paid for everything.

'Damn Mani did you buy the restaurant's entire menu?'

'No I just know how hungry y'all get and I don't want you going around telling people I don't feed you.'

'I'm not complaining,' Lauren laughed. While they sorted through everything and figured out what was what, I went into the kitchen to get cutlery since that was one of the boxes that we had unpacked first. I turned around at the sound of laughter and screaming; Normani had Ava over her shoulder and was tickling her.

'Mani! Okay I'm sorry,' Ava pleaded, smirking when Normani finally let her down. 'Ha I just did that so you'd let me down.'

She ran off before Normani could grab her again. Instead of chasing after her, Normani turned to face me. 'I'll get her when she's forgotten.'

'Here you go, is Ava's food here yet?'

'Yeah, I got it just now and the child had the audacity to call me old. This generation is lost Dinah, I'm telling you.'

'You're still cute even if you are old.'

'Damn straight.'

According to Choie, Normani's house search began before Christmas. I was bored one day and she asked me to come with her, that was when we saw this house. For just two people it was definitely on the large side, but it would be great for raising a family. Since my lease was almost up, Normani asked me if we could make it official and move into our first house together.

Everyone decided to eat and unpack at the same time. I took a walk through the house. We were planning to convert the basement into a studio since it was already sound proof. There was a study attached to what was a mini library when the previous owners lived there. Now that Normani was starting her own company, she probably wouldn't use it much but it was still nice to have.

Normani and Ava worked fastest. They turned unpacking all our clothes into a game and about two hours later when I went to check on them, both Normani's side of the walk in and mine were organized by color. They came downstairs and helped us unpack all the kitchen stuff and the things that were going into the study for the time being.

We all watched the sunset together from the backyard. Ava wanted to go swimming, but it was still too chilly, so we promised to have a pool party just for her. Everyone left shortly after that and we decided to have pizza and wine for dinner on a picnic blanket on the floor of our living room.

'So it's official. You can't back out now.'

'I wouldn't dream of it,' Normani answered as she took a sip of her wine.

'You don't think we're moving too fast right?'

She frowned, 'which one of them told you that we're moving too fast.'

'Z, but only because she cares and she's worried about us. Has she said anything to you?'

'No, Abi and Choie did though. Do you think we're moving too fast?'

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