a hell called home

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art by HonorableFan on DeviantArt
i swear to god my writing gets better as you go, please bear with me. 😂

"MAXWELL. GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE. NOW." said a booming voice.
max grumbled as he rolled out of his bed, still half asleep. he walked down the stairs only to be greeted by his dad. ha... dad. one hell of a father.
"i thought i told you to be up and have this house fucking spotless before i left for work, YA LITTLE SHIT." he said as he raised a hand. max flinched. "I DIDNT RAISE NO GOD DAMN PUSSY." his father said as he slapped him across the face. max stood there in silence. "now go clean up the house. it's a fucking mess." he said as he went to the fridge to grab another beer. it was only 8am and it was already his third. he slammed the fridge closed causing max to flinch again. "yes... sir." max said quietly. his face still stung from the slap, but it could have been worse. he had gotten much much worse in the past. "what was that?" his father said as he glared at max. "yes, sir." max said again, this time louder. "don't fucking mumble it next time." his dad said sternly as he walked out the door to go to work. max started to clean the kitchen as he thought,

"damn, i wish i could just go back to camp campbell..."

228 words
rip sorry that was so short. i just had an idea and decided to go with it. i'm sorry that this is pretty shitty lol. see you around.

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