captain greaves and captain kilne

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katy's pov

i hadn't gone to school that day because i was in a really bad space mentally. my aunt was just diagnosed with leukemia the day before and i didn't know how to cope with the fact she might die soon.
it was 2:36am and i was bored, so i decided to text adam to see how he was doing. this was a thing that we did. we texted each other at random times to see if they were okay. if they didn't respond soon, that would mean something was wrong. we always responded as soon as possible. even if that was just something random.

"captain kline reporting in, what's your status captain greaves?" i texted.
no response.
"captain greaves?"
"if you don't respond in two minutes, i'm coming over."
two minutes pass.
"captain greaves, respond now or i am biking to your house."

i wasn't joking.

i got out of bed.
something was definitely wrong.
there was a sinking feeling that ran throughout my body. i've known adam for a year and this never happened.

i went to the garage and climbed up on my bike. adam lived only about a five minute bike ride away.
i made it in two.

nobody was home, but i had a key. adam has given me one. it was his friends house, but he was staying there because they were barely ever home and he had no where to go.

i called out for him.
no one in the kitchen.
no one in the dining room.
living room.

i walked to the bathroom. this is the last place he could be. it's almost 3am, he has to be in the house!
i opened the door only to be greeted by adam.

i choked.

i ran to the tub and pulled the plug. i took adam out and set him on the floor and checked for a pulse. i scrambled to the closet in the hall and grabbed bandages and gauze's. i wrapped up his arms quickly and took out my phone to call 911.

"stay there. we are on our way."
"HURRY." i shouted. i didn't hang up the phone and stayed on the line. the operator told me what to do, even though i had already done so.

this wasn't the first time.

"adam. adam. stay with me, adam. open your eyes."
i could tell that he was fading in and out.
"GOD DAMMIT ADAM IM NOT LOSING YOU TOO." i said in a whisper yell.

i put all the pressure i could on the wounds. i heard the ambulance coming down the road. four people came running into the house.
"we're in here!" i shouted. the first responders came into the bathroom and picked adam up to put him on a stretcher. i heard them shouting out numbers and other things, but my mind was racing. i couldn't make anything out. they loaded him into the ambulance quickly. one of the people waved at me to come over. i hopped into the ambulance and we rushed off to the hospital.

the guy who waved me over was checking me out to see if i was okay, while two others worked on adam, and one drove.

i looked down at my blood soaked clothing and looked at adam.
this can't be the end.

we pulled into the emergency room and the four responders took adam out of the ambulance. doctors and nurses were already at the entrance, waiting to take him in. i walked with them for as far as i could go. then one of the people pulled me back.
"i'm sorry, but this area is off limits." she said.
i stood there in the middle of the hallway, covered in blood that wasn't mine. i was silent. i stared at the doors that they had pulled him through.

i fell to my knees on the floor.
my vision got clouded with tears. my body was shaking. everything hurt.
why does everyone leave me?
i clutched my chest. it hurts so much. all i could do was sit there. i couldn't think. i couldn't move. only one thing was running through my head.
it's all my fault.

708 words

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