blazing bathroom

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max's pov

i felt my heart beating out of my chest. there was a ringing in my ears. i felt like i was going to throw up.

"yes, ma'am- i mean, ms. cooper."
i said, stuttering the words out.
there was a burning in my eyes and throat. it's too early for this shit.
"what are those stains on your shirt?"
she gestured at my sleeve.
"they're nothing. look, i gotta go to my next cla-"
"i can write you a pass."
there was a deadly silence in the air. i could feel my body shaking and i began sweating a lot.
ugh why couldn't i just leave.
i began to slowly shuffle out.
fuck, don't say it. don't say it.
"do you self harm?"
aaaannnnddd she said it. this is it. time to die. i'm done for. take me home, country road. this is the end of the line.
i began laughing.
"hahahahaha no, what are you talking about? hahahahaha you crack me up ms. cooper."
i could feel tears forming in my eyes. fuck, i don't think she bought it. dammit why won't she just leave me alone.
"well if it's nothing, then can i see your arm?"
ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkk. i'm so dead. this is it.
"hahaha well if you insist."
oh god, somebody please save me.
i walked over to her desk and flashed my good arm.
"alright, i gotta go ms. cooper. don't want to be late!" i shouted, dashing out the door.

i ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in a stall. then i felt it. i began to vomit. then i heard the bathroom door open.

i held my breath. fuuuuuuuuccccckkkk.

then i smelt something.
"the fuck?" i said, walking out of the stall.

i look around only to see some kid in the corner of the bathroom on the floor. tears stained their face. they were smoking weed.

"oh... hi. i thought this bathroom was empty." he said.
"what the fuck are you doing?" i said, already knowing the answer.
"hiding. you?"
the kid gestured next to him and i thought why the fuck not. i sat down on the bathroom floor next to him.
"you want some?" he said. i shook my head, knowing full well that i'd be too fucked up to do anything if i had any. "suit yourself." he said, taking another deep breath.
"so... who are you hiding from?" he said.
"ms. cooper. what about you?"
"ms. cooper. ugh i had her homeroom last year. she's way too nosy. i hated her."
"yeah. you never answered me."
"you're pretty smart, kid, i'll give you that." he said, inhaling some more before breathing out a huge cloud of smoke.
"i'm hiding from some jackass and his friends."
"sounds fun." i said sarcastically.
"sure is." he said. "you gotta name, kid?"
"i'm max."

478 words

lol sorry these are so bad. i'm just terrible lmao.

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