maybe i deserve....

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max's pov

"c'mon, dad!" i shouted, running into the house. well, doing my best to run. i had a bit of a limp leftover from.... well, anyway. i hadn't been there is such a long time. it was good to finally be home. it felt nice to finally wear my own clothes and sleep in my own bed.

i had been in the hospital for two months recovering from the shit hat went down with my dad. i was glad that was over. i would never have to see that bastard ever again.

"i'm coming, i'm coming. slow down, max! i still have all your stuff." david said, walking in behind me.
"ya know the house has felt empty without you." david chuckled as he ruffled my hair.

i heard a quiet "shit." in the kitchen.
"GWEN!" i shouted. man, i was so glad to see her. with her handling a job and such, she couldn't see me much at the hospital.

"hey, max!" she said.
i paused. "what the fuck?"
"language, max." david said while dragging in a bag of mine from the hospital.
"you never call me max... unless... YOURE HIDING SOMETHING. OOOH TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME." i said, practically latching onto her pants.
"it's a surprise. geez, what do i call my fucking son." she said under her breath.
"YOUR WHAT?" i shouted.
"max, indoor voices." david said
"and yes! should we..?" he looked at david.
gwen facepalmed "why the hell not."
"WE ARE GETTING MARRIED." david said, practically squealing it.
"so what... gwen's gonna be my... mom?"
"wow, don't get too excited." gwen said sarcastically.

truth was, i didn't want her to know how excited i was. i had always seen her as a mother figure. and now... she's actually going to be my mom!!

maybe... i actually deserve this life....

314 words

heck i'm sorry this is so short. i am writing this in between connecting flights. i'm going from california, back home to michigan. heck not a lotta time but i wanted to get something out for y'all. i'm also writing this off of an hour of sleep so.... sorry it's kinda bad lol. until the next chapter.

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