art class

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max's pov

i had always liked art. i had never been in an art class though. i have been drawing for as long as i could remember.

this class though, was a whole new thing.

"sit down." a stern voice said. i walked up to the front of the room and took a seat. the classroom had long tables with stools lining their sides, only facing the front though. there was paint and art all over the tables and murals on the walls. now that i think about it, there were murals all around the school.

the man in the front of the class stood up from his seat. his... desk? was at the far left end of the table i was sitting at. i was on the right side. i was also the only person sitting at the front table besides the teacher.

the blonde haired guy clapped his hands together, signaling that we give him our attention. "my name, is mr. treece. if you would like to leave now, i wouldn't blame you." he paused for a second and nobody moved. "good." he said. "welcome to art class. let's set some rules."

in the middle of him talking about respect in the classroom, two girls in the back started talking to each other.
"you," he pointed at one of the girls, "what are you talking about."
the girls laughed. "none of your business." said one of them. his finger still pointed at one of the girls. "come up to the front." he said. the girl gawked "ugh, really?" she said, rolling her eyes. mr. treece slammed a yard stick on the table. "yes." he said. he checked his watch.

"you guys may be wondering a few things. yes, i am always like this. and also, i check my heart rate on my watch to see if it's elevated to see if i'm really mad about something."

afterwards, he went on a rant about aesthetics and what beauty really was. which eventually lead to him talking about how cynical he is. which was very true. then he started telling us a very interesting story about him being in the military.

"...and that's how i had my leg chopped off and put back together."

we were all shook about what he was telling us. why the hell is this man a teacher??? honestly though, he was fucking awesome. next thing i know, the bell rings and we have to go to our next hour. i was lucky enough to have science next.

"hey, kid." mr. treece said, pointing to me before i left.
"i have a name, you know." i said slyly.
"what's that?"
"alright, max. well, i've never seen you around here before. are you new?"
"yeah, i am."
"alright. well, if you ever need to talk to someone about anything, i'm here everyday after school and during lunch."
"okay, thank you."
"yeah. see you around, max."
he paused for a second. "oh yeah! and there's art club here every tuesday and thursday, if you want to join. i saw your drawings. you're pretty good for your age."
"thanks, i guess." i said while walking out.

what a cool guy.

532 words

oof y'all honestly this is based off of a real teacher i had and he was lit af. if y'all wanna hear more about max (and technically my) art class, please comment something!!!! there will also be another elective chapter. but you guys can't know yet.

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