ive been diddly darn tagged (a/n)

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ayyy so i was tagged by my friend Alphawolfkin to do this like 28 facts challenge so here ya go.

1. i have an amazing girlfriend named charea.

2. my friends seem to like me but i feel like they all hate me because i feel like everyone secretly hates me bc i'm annoying as hell and i'm sorry you have to put up with my shit.

3. anime is gr8.

4. you can hurt me all you want, but once you hurt my friends you are fucking dead.

5. i'm just a soft, anxious boy who is doing his best here.

6. i despise carbonated drinks oof.

7. caffeine fucks with my nerves but tbh it's so good.

8. shameless self promotion: i'm writing another book about my life story called 'up until now.'

9. music is what keeps me sane. without music, i would probably be dead right now.

10. in this world you either kill or get killed whatcha gonna do (aka vines are my life)

11. my skin literally hates me bc i have acne literally everywhere and eczema and just like ahsjjajsjnf it sucks and i'm always itchy

12. itch for a bitch

13. i am polysexual and transgender yEET. pre T but i'm working on saving up for it.

14. i wanna be a teacher when i'm older. preferably an art or choir teacher. ooh maybe even u.s. history?

15. a lotta people say i'm pretty chill but also some say that i am the exact opposite and idk how to feel. tbh i just try to cover it up whenever i'm anxious (which is a lot) so like ???

16. soda<juice<coffee<tea<water

17. last night i accidentally set the microwave on fire while trying to make popcorn.

18. when i was really little, i used to have bright blonde hair, but over the years it got really dark and then it started to lighten up in middle school. now it's like a weird almost dirty blonde but i kinda like it. i hated having really dark hair rip.

19. i live in michigannnnn.

20. my favorite color was purple for a really long time but honestly i have no idea why. i never really actually liked purple. i've always loved blue. actually i'm wearing all blue right now coincidentally lol. also, pastel colors are fricking great and nobody can change my mind. i hate neon colors.

21. i'm v hairy it's just that my hair is blonde so it's not really noticeable.

22. i love a lot of forms of art like painting, drawing, music, theatre, and a lot more. honestly, creative things are just a lot of fun.

23. acting as villains and unstable people is honestly sO MUCH FUN. for halloween a group of friends and i are dressing up as characters from Heathers. i'm gonna be JD and it's gonna be lit as hell.

24. i am working on two musicals actually. like i'm writing them. idk they're not very good but i like them. i kinda took a break though, but i'll get back to them soon.

25. i write songs!!! they're all accompanied by different instruments or even a cappella. some are with ukulele, guitar, piano, or maybe even something i made in garage band. it's just a lot of fun. also, Alpha and i are working on a song together which is lit as hell.

26. i have a youtube channel for my music. postings are erratic though lol rip sorry.

27. i have been through a lot of shit over the last few years and i am only now starting to recover from it all. i hope the oncoming years are better for me and for all of you. keep fighting. i swear it gets better one day. i'm just working towards that day.

28. dogs = cats bc they're both great and have different traits that are great for different types of people and you can't change my mind.

anyway, i hope you enjoyed this. i am not gonna tag anyone, but if you wanna do this, be my guest. i love you all. i'm working on the next chapter right now, so please be patient. i'm really tired from summer camp lol. see you around.

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