night terrors

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max's pov


i emerge from the shadows underneath the small coffee table in the living room. i knew that i would be dead if they caught me, so i had to try to make a run for it. i dashed to the basement door while i thought they were looking upstairs. i didn't know that my dad and aunt had friends over, though. one of them tripped me and shouted "I FOUND THE LITTLE BRAT." the man picked me up by one leg, tossing me at the wall.

i heard creaking descending the stairs. then more. they were coming for me.

"you worthless..." my dad slurred, "pathetic excuse of a kid. you are nothing. you are a meaningless pile of shit. i wish you were never born."

my aunt joined in, still walking down the stairs. "you have caused this family enough suffering. it's all your fault. it's always your fault. you're such a stupid, pathetic brat that's going nowhere. you deserve to die."

their words pierced my chest. but then they came closer and i realized that wasn't the only thing that was going to pierce me. more likely kill me.

i started crying
i don't want to die...
but i deserve to die.
i don't deserve to live anymore.
i don't even want to be alive.

"what a fucking pussy." my aunts friend said. she kicked me in the gut, knocking the air out of me. but she didn't stop. she kept kicking. and then she did stop. but only for my dad to come up and throw beer bottles at me. glass shattered all around me. some bottles hit me.

then my aunt came back. she had a knife.

"you little cunt," she slurred, "you don't deserve to live." and she lunged at me.


i gasped for air, waking up from that terrible night terror.

it's okay.
it's okay.
it's okay

i muttered to myself, rocking back and forth in bed. i created a little circle around me with my pillows and blankets.

it's okay.
it's okay.
it's okay.

i can't breathe.
i'm dying.
oh my god.
it hurts.
it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts.

it's been a while max.
you have to do it.
do what?
i don't want to.
you have to.

fuck.... what have i done...

407 words

also thank you guys for 1K reads!!!! i'm sorry that you're reading this trash.

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