i guess i'm a bit late for dinner.

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max's pov

it's cold. and dark. and... wet? i heard the sound of water rushing. there was also... laughing? where am i? what's going on?

i felt around a bit. stone. it's... oh god. i... i'm back. oh god oh god oh god oh god. i couldn't move my legs at all. i remember this.

the well.

oh god. oh god. the kids... my friends... they threw me in there. they... they... tied rocks onto my legs to weigh me down. they laughed. and laughed. saying it's my fault this is happening. it's because i didn't give them what they wanted. and that was... me. nobody believed me. i'm alone.

"we'll stop if you make it out." damien yelled. his voice echoed throughout the well.
i tried to move, but i felt a sharp pain in my leg. one of the rocks was crushing it. i winced and looked at the blood mixing in with the water.

i couldn't breathe. everything hurt. god, i'm such a fucking idiot. i am such a burden. why can't i just die here?

i heard the boys voices echo out as everything got quiet.

peace and quiet.

darkness surrounded me. everything was silent. there was nothing. just me.

then a light appeared. no, a few lights. red. white. blue. flashing.

a ringing filled my ears. it was deafening. it felt like my ears were bleeding. why is it so loud?

i opened my eyes to see that i was inside an ambulance. i looked around. nobody was there except one nurse. he looked tired. like he didn't want to be there. this is all my fault. i'm the stupid one that just didn't give in. it's all my fault. i deserve to die. just let me die. i struggled to move around and the nurse looked at me "hey kid, settle down. we'll be at the hospital soon." i could feel tears streaming down my face. "it's all my fault...."


i am pathetic.
i am worthless.
i am nothing.
i am a burden.
i am a let down.
i am an idiot.
nobody loves me.
i make everyone's lives worse just by living.
i deserve to die.

i coughed and sputtered, looking around. what the fuck? what the fuck? what the FUCK?? where am i? what the hell is happening? i gasped for air as i felt a hand on my chest. everything is blurry and it's hard to see. whose there?

the image cleared up a bit to reveal a man with bright eyes and red hair.
"david?" i said weakly.
"oh thank god." he let out.
i looked around the room. gwen was there too and so was the school nurse.
"you scared us kid. your heart rate was all sorts of fucked up and you weren't waking up. we called an ambulance and everything." gwen said. she looked tired. i tried to get off the bed in the nurses office but as soon as i lifted my head up, everything started spinning and getting darker.
"shhhh. it's okay." david said, putting a glass of water in my hands. "don't try to move. you hit your head pretty hard on the concrete. we will be at the doctors soon." david gently said.
i chugged the glass of water and looked at the clock. 5:30pm. i laughed.

"what are you laughing at?" gwen said.
i looked at her and smirked "i guess i'm a bit late for dinner."

577 words

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