bright lights

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max's pov

bright lights surrounded me. i don't remember what happened or why i was there. all i could see was the lights. i heard sirens. i heard muffled voices all around me. some talking to each other, while others were saying my name. what is this? where am i? what happened? only questions ran through my mind.

then i heard a voice. it was clearer than the others.

stay with me.

who is it? what is this? what's happening to me...?

it's so cold here.
i'm so cold.

i heard the voice again.

there's still so much me have to do together.
there's still so much i want you to see.

i am... so cold. please, someone.... anyone....
help me.
i don't want to die.
i don't want to die.
i don't want to die.

i want my mom.

suddenly, i was surrounded by a garden. it looked just like the one my mom used to keep. it was just before sunrise. i... remember this....
my mom sat in a lawn chair next to me.

hey, max. she said softly.
"m-mom? what is this?"
don't you want to be here, max? with me? isn't it nice here?
"yeah... it is." i said, looking at the flowers around me. i looked at my mother. my beautiful mother. the way her hair flowed in the natural breeze. her eyes sparkled in the dim morning light.
she grabbed my hand.
you can stay here with me. we can watch the sunrise here, forever. just us two.
"yeah... that sounds nice." i said, climbing out of the chair and getting on her lap.

stay with me.

"wait... what did you say?"
i grew cold again, shrouding away from my mothers warmth. my mother... is dead.

stay with me.

i heard... david. DAVID.

all of a sudden, the area went pitch black. there was only a single voice i could hear.

please, for the love of god... please stay with me.

i want to see you smile again.

" i... love you."

340 words

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