my little maxie

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max's pov

"my little maxie!" the lady said as she quickly approached us. i immediately stood up straight with my hands by my side. "hello, ma'am." i said quickly. david looked at me, confused. he could see how i had changed in such a short amount of time.

"pardon me, but who are you?" david asked, standing a bit in front of me.
"i'm little maxie's aunt, susan! but y'all can call me susie." she said.

aunt susie had been around my family for years. she was my dads older sister and the toughest in the family. she had a mask of steel, though. nothing could break through it except her and well...

she bent down to my level and got right in my face. i could smell her minty breath attempting to cover up her putrid insides.
"did ya miss me, maxie?" she said in a sickeningly sweet voice. i stood up straight, avoiding direct eye contact and nodded.

"well, i am max's father, and i'm gonna have to ask you to leave." david said, sternly. aunt susie stood up and looked at david, then gwen, then back at me. "oh i'm so sorry, dearie. i just missed my little maxie so darn much." she said, pinching my cheek a little too hard. she breathed down at me. "be a man and look me in the eyes." i shivered and looked down at the ground. she grabbed my chin to point it up at her. "maxie-"

"i'm going to have to ask you to leave my son alone." david said, slapping away her hands. i jumped behind gwen and clutched her sides.

aunt susie..... she was always the scariest. i hated her. i hated her so much. but if i ever said anything then....

susie scoffed and gave david her signature death glare. he stood there, unwavered.
"gwen, take max to the car." he said, still staring aunt susie directly in the eyes. shit... i had a feeling what was gonna happen next.

gwen latched onto my hand and said a quick "come on, max." while tugging me along. we were walking pretty quickly, but then i felt someone grab my other hand.

"you're not goin anywhere but with me, maxie. we have some catching up to do."

i stood there, petrified.
i knew what that meant.

i just wanna go home.

i felt a swift pull as gwen grabbed me and slapped her across the face. aunt susie just wiped her face off like it was nothing. i closed my eyes.

this can't be happening.

not again.

i cant go back.

susie pushes gwen to the ground and pulled me away from her. i swatted away at susie and screamed. doesn't anyone hear me? can't anyone see? why isn't anyone helping?

then two men came up with security shirts on.
"ma'am we are only going to ask you once to put the child down." david was with them. she grabbed me by my hair and threw me like i weighted nothing. gwen scrambled over to me, holding me tightly. i opened my eyes to see the two security guards grabbing susie's arms and carrying her away. she was fighting and scratching at them while yelling. david rushed over to gwen and me. i didn't realize that i was crying until i felt david wipe my face.

"let's go home."

561 words

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