goodnight, max.

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art by SC00TY on deviantart

max's pov

"max, wake up."

i gasped as i woke up from that hell of a nightmare. i was prepared for someone to hit me next and blurted out, "PLEASE DONT HURT ME."

"relax, max. it's okay. you're safe now."

it was david.

"david? what... where am i? what are me doing here?" i said.
the place i was in was nice and cozy. the walls were covered in pictures and paintings. the walls themselves were a creamy yellow. almost like buttercream. the furniture around me was all different shades of blue and burgundy. there were a lot of plants in the room. hanging from the ceiling, on windowsills, on shelves, everywhere.

i looked up at the man sitting in front of me. a look of concern washed over his normally cheerful face.

"you're at my house. you're staying here for now. i'm not risking sending you back home after..."
"after what?" i asked him.
"well... while you were sleeping, you were having a nightmare or something and i had to wake you up."

i gave him a glare and said "where am i staying?" in a low voice. he stared at me for a moment, probably catching on. "oh.. you're staying in the guest bedroom here. it's down the hall, to the left. my room is right across from yours. and the bathroom is a door down."
i grabbed my backpack and looked back at him. he smiled at me. i turned away and went to my room.

my room.. or the room i was staying in... had light gray walls, with dark grey and blue furniture in the room. the room was neat and organized, almost as if he was expecting someone. i threw my bag down and hopped onto the bed. wow... i hadn't realized how exhausted i was until i lied down. i quickly drifted off into sleep.

my pure boys pov

i walked into max's room, going to ask him a question until i realized he had already fallen asleep. i slowly tucked him under the covers and looked at him for a second. i'll have to clean those wounds in the morning. max rolled over a little bit. he looked so peaceful for once. i leaned over and pet his head and started walking towards the door. he smiled a bit in his sleep. i wanted to see him smile again. i wanted max to be happy. i whispered "you are safe here, max. i will take care of you."

as i closed the door i looked at him once more. "goodnight, max." i whispered.
he mumbled a little and let out an almost silent, "goodnight... dad..."

i smiled and closed the door.

he called me dad!

460 words

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