an unfamiliar place, with one familiar face

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my blue bby boys pov

i must have eventually fallen asleep in the car, because next thing i know, we are pulling into a driveway at an unfamiliar house. i was really tired when we arrived, despite me probably dosing off in the car ride over. when the car came to a stop, i popped open the door and looked around.

the house was large. or at least in my opinion it was. there was two floors that i could see, and a basement. so.. three floors, i guess? the house was yellow with a few green accents. i never thought yellow and green went well together, but it did on this house. the garden out front was well kept and there was a tire-swing out front hanging off of an old tree. i couldn't see much other than that, since it was dark out. i pulled my phone out of my backpack and looked at the time. 3:21 am.

fuck. i made these nice people take care of a piece of shit like me and get up early as hell for me. god, i'm such a fucking burden.

my thoughts were interrupted as nerris' dad judged me and said "we'll meet you inside. make yourself at home. we will sort this out in the morning."

i made my way inside. it seemed.... normal? what the hell? i would have expected.. well i don't know what i expected, but it most certainly was not this. the house was open. it had a nice, kinda rustic, kinda 90's aesthetic. there were a lot of warm colors, but the living room was a nice, dark and cool blue. i threw my stuff on the floor by the couch and flopped on the couch. it was really comfortable. next thing i know, i fell asleep.

wake up, max.

a voice spoke to me in the darkness that surrounded me. it engulfed me. it was hard to breathe. it felt like there was a heavy, black fog around me. i couldn't see anything though. my heart started racing and my head began to pound. i was dizzy and couldn't breathe.

"h-hello..?" i stuttered out.

what are you even doing here. max?
you're just burdening these people. they don't need this. they were perfectly happy before you came along.

god, you're so pathetic.
no wonder your parents didn't care.
no wonder your parents fucking hated you. nerris hates you. her parents hate you. your friends hate you. everyone hates you. i hate you. you have no one. you don't deserve to fucking be alive, max.

i felt tears begin to sting in my eyes. i tried to blink them away. then a scene began to appear around me.

I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GET THIS SHIT DONE BEFORE I GOT HOME. his dad yelled at him. then he punched him in the face. his step-mom walked down the stairs and laughed. you're so fucking weak, maxwell. god, if it weren't for you, i could've been in hollywood by now. but no. you came around AND JUST HAD TO RUIN MY FUCKING LIFE. YOU TOOK AWAY MY FUCKING HUSBAND. she lunges over at him and picked him up by the neck. "ma'am.... can't... breathe..." max stuttered out. his step-mom spit in his face and dropped him. you're fucking pathetic. worthless. i wish your dad would just throw you in the fucking trash where you belong.

max began to cry. he missed his mom. his real mom. now he was left in the custody of these two monsters. they were right though.... i am trash. i don't deserve to live. he choked out a sob. everything hurt. it felt like he could feel everything that had ever happened to him.

AGHHH max screamed. he yelled. everything hurt. he just wanted it to stop.

mr. nerris pov

i ran downstairs to hear max screaming. what the hell? i ran over to him. fuck, what do i do??? "max? max! wake up!" i shook him. he shouted "AH DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME. DONT HURT ME PLEASE. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING." he shot up and ran to a corner of the room.

i was stunned. i had never seen anything like it before. i got up and grabbed my phone. i called the only person i knew who would be able to take care of max. he had done it in the past.


749 words

a hell called home (completed)Where stories live. Discover now