i want to see him smile again

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idk the artist but if you do please let me know. anyway i hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

redhead sunshine boy pov

i hate to see summer leave, but i love the autumn leaves. i woke up a little bit earlier than usual today, and decided to watch the sun rise. i walked outside my house to see the sun begin to rise. it casted a golden glow across the multicolored leaves. it was beautiful. i stayed there for a moment, and then headed back i side to make some breakfast.

after the night max arrived at my house, we decided to put him into foster care. lucky for me, i'm actually a foster parent. i had taken care of many kids in the past, but none like max. sure, max had a lot of issues, but he was actually quite wonderful. he had been at my house for a few weeks by now.

i finished mixing the batter and poured some onto the griddle. pancakes seemed to be the right way to start the morning. as i flipped two pancakes, i heard a door open.

"goooooood morning, max!" i said, cheery as can be. i had a great feeling about today. he grumbled "mmmorn'n" he was usually like this before his morning coffee. man, i wish he would switch to tea, like me! tea is so much better for you!

i poured him a cup and put in a bit of creamer, just how he liked it.

"hooey! i forgot the pancakes!" i shouted.
i quickly gave max the mug and threw the pancakes onto a plate. "whew, that was a close one." i exclaimed. max snickered. i set the plate down where he was sitting and threw some on a plate for me and sat next to him.

blue boy's pov

i finished my pancakes first and decided to go watch some tv. i put on voltron: legendary defender. it was actually a really good show. david walked in and sat down next to me.

"anything you wanna do today?" he asked.
"um... not really."
"well, it's a beautiful day out! maybe we could go out later! maybe head to the park?"
honestly, i wasn't really listening. i was too invested into the show. i was at the part where kieth and lance were bickering about their bonding moment.
'nope. don't remember. didn't happen.'
i mumbled a quick "sure." at david to make him go away. he beamed and patted my head. i swatted his hand away and said "fuck off, david. i'm watching my show!"
"language, max." he said. he then turned back to the tv and watched the episode with me.

honestly, i'm glad he stayed.

in time skip brought to you by lance mcclain aka the best boy and my birthday twin

daviddddd pov

we finally arrived at the park. it was the perfect temperature outside. it was 68 degrees fahrenheit with a nice, calm breeze.

max immediately headed over to the swings and sat there swinging while i sat on a bench nearby. i brought a book that i could read while there. The Hidden Forest: The Biography of an Ecosystem by Jon Luoma. gosh, what a great book! i looked up from my read to see max was no longer in the swings. i looked around for him.


my worries were soon alleviated when i saw max over by the small woods nearby. he was pushing a whole bunch of leaves together. he probably thought i was still reading and that i wouldn't see. haha, i'm glad i looked up when i did. max came to a running start and plunged right i to the giant pile of leaves, leaving them to fly everywhere. he laughed and started to recreate his masterpiece.

there's that smile.

646 words

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