the letter

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heck i'm sorry i don't know the artist. if you know please let me know.

max's pov

i had just woken up. wow... i actually slept well for once. what the hell?
i walked into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. david was already up, which was no surprise. "morning, daaaaadvid. david... david." i said. fuuuuuck did i just? yeah... i'm pretty sure i did. david fucking smiled so wide i didn't know it was possible. "good morning, max!!" he said. "fuck off, david." i replied. i went over to go watch my daily dose of cartoons. shit, i was almost done with season 6 of voltron. honestly, kinda ship klance, but i would never tell anyone that. i wish season 7 would come out sooner.

right before the kral zera took place, i heard a heavy knock on the door. that's weird... it's 9am. who the hell could that be?
"i'll get it!" i shouted so david could hear me. i was closer to the door anyway. i paused my show and walked over.

"package for maxwell pine." a voice said.
"yup. that's me." i said groggily.
"sign here, please."

i signed off and grabbed the package. i hopped back onto the couch to open it. david walked in at this time. "who was it?" he asked. "just the mailman." i told him. i grabbed a pair of scissors nearby and tore open the poorly taped package. inside there was a letter.

"i found you."

my heart began to race and i became dizzy.

i took out the letter and set it to the side. underneath it, there was something even worse.

it was a picture of david's house from the sidewalk out front. inside, you could see me watching tv, home alone.

"oh my god...." i said.
"what is it?"
david looked at the contents of the box, horrified.
"is this...?" he asked.

my stomach turned and i ran to the bathroom and threw up.
how did he find me?
i thought i was safe.
i thought i was safe.
i thought everything was fine.
why now?
dad... why the fuck can't you just leave me alone?

362 words

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