wake up call

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katy's pov

i moved from the ground into a chair in the waiting room, so i was it of the way. i sat there, head in my knees, gripping my legs.

this is all my fault.
this is all my fault.
this is all my fault.
this is all my-

"katy? what are you doing here?? did you hear??"
i looked up to see pauline running into the waiting area. she crouched down next to me.
"are you okay?" she said, in an almost whisper voice. i collapsed right then into her arms, sobbing.
"a-adam tried to... he tried to..."
"shhh take a deep breath honey. what happened?"
i was hyperventilating. i couldn't think straight. my head was jumbled and i couldn't get words to come out of my mouth.
"hey, hey. look at me. look at me, katy."
i looked up at her.
"you are okay. you're safe now. i'm here."
i took a deep breath.
"adam... he tried to... kill himself... he wrote his suicide note to me... us... it's-its all my fault."
i said, burying my head into her shoulder. she was warm and smelled like vanilla and lavender. it was comforting. i sat there for a moment, crying, and trying to calm down.
"shhh it's okay. you're okay now." she whispered, petting my head.
i finally calmed down and a thought occurred.
"wait... what are you doing here?" i said.
"oh, max woke up. i came to see him and to pick up you and..." she trailed off.
"w-wait. max is awake???" i stood up, wiping off my face. what should i do?? go see max?? wait for news on adam???
"they'll let us know if anything happens with adam. come on." she said, as though she was reading my mind.

we walked over to the elevator and went up to max's floor and went into his room.
max looked at us confused. he picked up his pencil and notebook and slowly wrote.
"what are you guys doing here? also, who is this girl?"
i realized it. max didn't even know me. my heart sank a little. i looked down at the floor.
david, gwen, and pauline all looked at me. then pauline finally spoke up.

"this is katy. she is a friend of adam's. they were both here practically everyday when you were in a coma."

i waved.
"hey, max." i said, trying my best to smile.
i could see a mix of emotions go over his face. he was thinking.
he wrote again.
"where's adam?"
i could feel the blood drain from my face. he was looking at me dead in the eye.
"a-adam... he tried to kill himself. i... i went over to his house and found him. he's here right now, but i don't-"
he held up his hand. telling me to stop. gwen and david stared at me.
"he did what now?!" gwen shouted, "why didn't we hear of this sooner?!"
i stared at the ground. "it... it only happened an hour or so ago."
david didn't say anything. i could see it on his face though. i heard a scratching, showing that max was writing.
"adam is my best friend and he is strong as hell. he will be okay."
he gave us a sad smile as he held up the notebook for all of us to see.
i chuckled.
"yeah, you're right," i looked up at max "he'll be okay."

575 words

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