study sessions

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max's pov

i walked into mrs. cooper's class after a long day. i told her i'd be there. i pulled out my phone and texted david that i would be home later today and that i was going to get homework help.

alright! just be home before 5pm so we can have dinner together. i'm making your favorite tonight!

i put my phone back in my pocket. what a dumbass. he was my dad though.

"well, look who decided to show up!" mrs. cooper exclaimed. "i'm glad you could make it, max."

i grumbled, put my bag down, and took out my homework. there was so much to do and it was only the first week of school. at least it was friday, though. i started doing my math first.
"need any help?" mrs. cooper said, walking over and sitting down by me. i was sitting away from the rest of the group. i didn't really feel like socializing or talking to anyone. "it's fine." i said, trying to get her to go away. she moved a bit closer. "are you okay?" she said. "i'm fine." i said. god, why can't she just piss off? i'm fine. it's fine. everything is fine...

she sat there for a moment and stared at me. i continued to do my work to tell her to go away. then i heard sprinting in the hall.

"sorry... i'm late..." a breathless adam said, clutching the door frame.

i looked up at him. "oh, hey max!" he said, walking over towards my table. i chuckled a bit. "hey, adam."

mrs. cooper looked at me and then adam and laughed a bit. "alright, well you guys know where i am if you need help." she got up and walked over to where the other group of kids were.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" i said, confused as to why an eighth grader was here. "oh, i had mrs. cooper last year. i just come here for tutoring. well, and during lunch sometimes."

"you're such a dork." i said. i mean, he really was. a tall, lanky boy, dressed in a black and white striped shirt, skinny jeans, a black jacket, and some stupid glasses. he was so fucking stupid. no wonder kids gave him shit.

i was glad that he showed up though.

time skip brought to you by my obnoxious ass depression

adam and i spent all of the time talking about stuff that have been going on. i checked my phone and looked at the time. 4:30. damn, it's been an hour and a half already? i gotta get going soon or else i'll be late for dinner. god.... i sound like david. ugh what the fuck. i told adam i had to leave and started packing up. it was only us left. everyone left about 30 minutes ago. "i gotta go too, kind if i joined you?" adam said, packing up too. "sure, whatever." i said.

"hey, max. can we talk?" mrs. cooper said. adam looked at me "i'll catch you outside the main office." he said, walking out the classroom door.

fuck why did he have to leave me alone with her.

i sighed and walked over to her desk. "yeah, what is it?"
she paused for a moment. "i read your letter-"
oh fuck. i forgot about that.
"-and i just wanted to let you know, that i'm always here if there's anything you wanna talk about."
"okay." i said, not wanting to talk about it anymore.
she sighed deeply and looked down at her desk, then back up at me.
aaaaand here it comes. the disappointment. the look. hating me. i know it all. let's just get this over with.
"i know... that shit can get really difficult. and i know how hard it is to talk to people about it. when i was around your age, i went through a lotta shit. my dad left. my mom killed herself. it all just really fucking sucked. but i'm still here now. and i just want you to know, that it really does get better. everyone tells you that, but i know i never believed it. i just want you to know that i know you're a bright kid and i really want to see you graduate someday."

"what... the fuck...?"

762 words
heck i'm sorry it's been so long. school just started up and i've been really busy. and then like depression just like kicked my ass and i'm just trying to survive here lol. stay safe everyone. i'll update soon. 💙

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