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"what... the fuck...?"
i covered my mouth.
fuck did i just say that out loud???
where was the disapproval? the disappointment? the look of hatred and disgust? where was it? is this for real? what the fuck?

"excuse me?" she said.
i smacked my hand into my face.
"yeah, yeah. i just uh-"
i pinched the bridge of my nose and then looked up at her.

"nobody's ever said that to me before."

she looked at me for a second. "well, it's true. you are a pretty good kid. i know it. it's just hidden under all of that coldness on the outside." she smiled. "and besides, i wouldn't say it if it weren't true. i'm a math teacher, i live for the facts."

"alright well... i gotta go..." i said, slowly backing away towards the door. "have a nice day, mrs. cooper."

"have a good weekend, max."

i walked over to the office to see adam standing over there. "what was that about?" he said. "i have no fucking idea." i said, still trying to remain cool. seriously though, what the fuck was that? was she lying? wasn't she???? none of that is true. i'm just a shitty person who is an asshole that pushes everyone away. i am nobody. nobody cares. i started scratching at my arm. a habit from my anxiety.

we were on the sidewalk outside the school. "woah, max. dude."
scratch scratch scratch.
scratch scratch scratch.
"max, calm down. it's okay."
s c ra t c h sc r at c h
"max, it's okay. you're okay. i'm here. you're safe."
adam stopped walking and got down in front of me. i couldn't see anything. everything was dark and fuzzy.

what's wrong with me?
why am i not good enough?
nobody really loves me.
david doesn't care.
nobody cares.
i'm all alone.
a l o n e.
don't leave me.

adam put his hands on my shoulders. "hey, max. snap out of it dude. you're okay. it's going to be okay. i'm here."

why won't they love me?
why does everyone leave me?

adam's pov

max all of a sudden stopped talking and started muttering to himself. i couldn't make out a lot, but i knew something was wrong. i tried to snap him out of it. fuck, what do i do??

then all of a sudden, he fell. i tried to wake him up.
"MAX." i yelled. he was out cold. i picked him up and sprinted back to the school. i ran to the office and told them what happened. they told me to go home and they'd take care of it. god, i hope he's okay. i hope he's okay. he better be.

david's pov

i was humming to myself in the kitchen while making dinner when my phone rang. i went over and answered it.

"hello, david pine speaking!" i said, in my usual voice.
i dropped the phone and ran into the living room.
"gwen, we have to go."
"why? what happened?"
"something happened to max."
gwen immediately shot up out of the loveseat and rushed towards the door.

god, i hope max is okay.

i turned the key and drove out of the garage towards the school.

541 words

a hell called home (completed)Where stories live. Discover now