3...2...1 CLEAR

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david's pov

gwen and i were ushered out into the hallway. i gripped at my arms, hugging myself. except for the fact that i was digging my fingernails into my skin. gwen stood there silently, wide eyed. we both stared at the crowd of doctors and nurses. they surrounded max, shouting random numbers and orders. a woman rushed in with a defibrillator and plugged it in. the nurses stood back, clearing the way for the doctors that were there. i was sobbing.

max, you can't leave us yet.
just hold on a little longer, bud.
please... just wake up.
please, please, for the love of god be okay.

"3...2...1 CLEAR"
"3...2...1 CLEAR"
"try again!"
5 minutes passed.
"3...2...1 CLEAR"
10 minutes.
the nurses looked at us, shaking their heads. gwen screamed as i held her back. i couldn't see much through my blurry vision, but i knew.
"last round."
"3...2...1 CLEAR"
the room was still. the tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
"3...2...1 CLEAR"
a loud gasping and coughing emerged from the room. gwen and i stared in. could it be...?


we raced into the room. forgetting all protocol and everything. all that mattered was max.
the nurse took the tube out of max's throat as we burst in.

"MAX!" we yelled.

a whole year...

max couldn't talk, because he had gone so long without talking. he also couldn't move that well, since he was still for so long. his nurse brought in some water for max and checked his IV and stats to make sure everything was set straight.

i pulled out my phone and called pauline.
"i'm on my way." she said.

249 words
don't worry, i'm working on another part too. also gonna release a new chapter on another fanfic i'm writing lol so be patient. they'll all be out tonight though.

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