the only one left

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okay but before y'all judge, everyone writes these stories with like nikki or neil and i wanted to do something new. also, i don't believe in ships in camp camp bc they're children. oops.

max ran and ran and ran. he didn't even know where he was going or how far he even was. he just had to get away from that god forsaken house. max stopped for a second to catch his breath and check his surroundings. he was in the woods. where? he didn't know. then he heard a rustle in a bush nearby and a familiar voice. "holy shit... max?!" the voice said as they emerged from the bush. it was nerris. "HOLY SHIT NERRIS AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU." max shouted. "shhhh. my parents are asleep. i just came to check out a noise and it was you? also, you... glad??" she chuckled a bit. "what the hell are you even doing out here anyway?" max said. "i could ask you the same." nerris said smirking. "i asked first. spill." max said.
"well, my parents and i are out here for a larping thing that's going on tomorrow morning. now you. what are you doing here?"
"well.. i don't know actually. i just kinda... came here on accident." max said. i mean, he was telling the truth. just not the whole truth.

nerris gave him a suspicious look, but then said "okay, well do you have anywhere to go?"
"no... not really." max said
then there was a rustling in the bush near by. "nerris? what's going on?" a males voice said.
max jumped into a bush to hide. nerris looked over to where max was and looked back to the figure. her dad emerged from the bushes. "oh, hey dad." nerris said. "what happened? i woke up and you weren't there. i thought you might've gotten eaten by bears." he chuckled. nerris looked in the bushes where max was.

"it's okay, max. it's just my dad. he can help you." she said.
max slowly emerged from the bushes.
"max? by, i haven't seen you since parents day! what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at home? aren't your parents worried?"
max scoffed "i doubt that." he said under his breath.
"well, i doubt that, sport. cmon. i'm gonna go wake up my queen. you look tired. how about we take you home."

max looked at him wide eyed and quickly replied "NO- i mean... uh... no thanks. my parents aren't even home right now, so it wouldn't matter. i'd be alone anyway."

nerris' dad looked at him with pity.
nerris' dad was token aback. he soon regained his composure though. "alright, how about we get you some food. you look hungry." she said softly. max wiped his eyes and said "okay.."

nerris' dad pov

i have to do something for the kid. i mean, i just can't leave him. and what happened with his parents? why is he here? hmm... maybe i should call someone.

i scrambled for my phone, but before i could call anyone, my wife woke up and called me.

"what the hell is going on?" she said in an almost whisper yell.

i looked at her and said "you remember that kid max from camp campbell? yeah, he's here. i don't know why or how, but we can't just leave him. i thought maybe we should do something."
she pressed her forehead and said "okay, okay. let's figure this out. let's take him home, get him some food, and decide what to do in the morning."

i told max what the plan was and he didn't say anything back. he looked really tired. i hadn't noticed it before, but also pretty beat up. his face was scratched and bloody. there was a faint bruise forming around his eyes.

poor kid

we hopped in the car and began to drive home.
max was silent the whole way and nerris and my wife fell back asleep.

673 words

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