run for your life

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art by cya-kia on DeviantArt

max had finally finished cleaning the house. it was 4pm. he still hadn't eaten. his stomach growled as he thought about it. it wasn't like he was really hungry, though. max went to his room, but as he was climbing the stairs, a sharp pain rolled throughout his stomach. then another growl. well, i guess i still have an hour or so. knowing dad, longer. a little something wouldn't hurt. he walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen. he opened the fridge. nothing. he sighed. when was the last time they even went grocery shopping? max rummaged through the cupboards until he found a box of pop tarts. he took the box up to his room, took one, and then hid the box under his bed. max grabbed mr. honeynuts out from underneath his pillow. he had to hide him or else his parents would destroy the bear... or max. he shuddered at the thought. max sat in his room listening to music and holding mr. honeynuts until he heard the door slam open. fuck. what time is it? it was 8pm. he heard scrambling downstairs and tried to ignore it. he lied down, trying to look like he was asleep. then he heard creaking. someone was coming up the stairs. his bedroom door busted open, only to reveal a drunken father behind it. "get up." he said. max acted like he was sleeping. "GET UP." that caused max to shoot up out of bed. "you little shit," his father said "you are worthless. i could have been on top of the world if it weren't for you and your pathetic ass." he said as he stumbled towards max. "you're better of dead. you weren't even supposed to fucking be born. but no, your wretched mother wanted to keep you. that pathetic sack of shit. i fucking showed her. ugh you're so disgusting. you look just like her." he broke the bottle he held in his hands and lunges at max.

max dodged the bottle and heard his dad slam into the wall. max didn't waste any time. he ran over to his bed, grabbed mr. honeynuts and grabbed his pre-packed bag as he ran out the door. he heard his dad scream, "MAXWELL YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW. IM GONNA KILL YOU." max felt a pain in his side. maybe he didn't dodge as well as he thought he did. forgetting the pain, max ran. max ran for his fucking life.

426 words

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