as easy as breathing

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oh wow y'all are about to hate me so fucking much ahdjskdjdh. also sorry i haven't been updating. i am just really really busy w school and singing and theatre and shit. please be patient with me.

max's pov

the perks of fainting at school, i now have a week off to do whatever the fuck i want. everyone says i should take it easy, because i have a mild concussion, but whatever. i've had worse before. well, i guess i kinda am taking it easy in some people's opinions. i'm not supposed to be on electronics BUT i plan on playing all of the chapters of minecraft story mode with neal. he and i found each others gamer ID's and now we just play together whenever. also, nikki and i have been talking a lot lately. we text practically every night. i haven't exactly told them what happened yet, but i don't really plan on it. what they don't know, can't hurt them.

david knocked on my bedroom door.
"hey, max?" he said quietly. i guess he thought i was sleeping or some shit like that. i debated on whether or not to say anything back. i kinda just wanted to be alone... but at the same time, i didn't.
"yeah?" i said, almost quiet enough for him to not have heard. he opened the door and slid into my room. all of the lights were out because i wasn't supposed to have anything that would strain my eyes on.
"i know you probably don't want to talk about it, but... what happened? you know, at the school? i have heard it from practically every perspective... except yours. you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, im just here to listen."
ugh.. he really did sound like a counselor. i sat up a little bit and looked at the bed, signaling that it was okay for david to come in all the way. he sat down on the bed next to me. honestly, i didn't feel like talking about it. he was my dad though... so he should... probably know...
i sighed and sat there for a bit. i looked around the dark room. everything was so boring. i just wanted something to do. and i wanted coffee. i looked at david. he was giving me that sincere face. i don't know whether or not i hate it anymore. we sat there for what seemed like hours, but were really probably just a few minutes.

i thought back to that day at school.
everything that happened.
god dammit, i don't even understand it now. why the fuck?

"i... i cant remember that well."
i thought about it for a while, but then my head started to hurt. my ears started ringing and everything was getting blurry.

not good enough.


i am such a failure.


david's pov

max suddenly slumped over on the bed. "max?" hooey what the heck just happened? i look at max and his eyes are dead. he's muttering something to himself, but i can't make any of it out. i panic. "GWEN. GWEN GET IN HERE." i shout out the door. gwen comes rushing into the room. i hold max in my arms. oh my gosh this is all my fault. gwen picks up the phone and dials 911.

max's pov

it's like there's always been something in the back of my mind. i don't know what it is, but it's always been there. it's always been hovering over me, waiting for me to slip up. i have tried to ignore it. this is my chance to be happy. so... why is it still there? i open my eyes to see an empty room with only a sofa and a tv. i sit on the floor. i'm not allowed to sit on the sofa. i look at the tv, wondering what may come on. i see david and gwen. there's no sound or anything, only a ringing that comes out of the tv. what the fuck? i look around the room. this has gotta be some sort of fucking prank. i look behind me at the couch and my parents are sitting there. both of them? what? i turn back around and suddenly we are in a theater with whatever's happening on the screen. i'm a few seats in front of my parents. i look at then out of the corner of my eye.

"isn't this a great show, sweetheart?" my dad says.
"oh why yes it is. how entertaining! i wonder how it will end!" she replies.
i look at the screen to see what looks like the inside of a hospital. what is this? what's happening to me?
there's a bit of sound now, but there's still a deafening ringing in the background. i listen to the voices on the screen.

"he's flatlining."

i feel a sharp pain in my chest. the fuck?

i hear a faint muttering. it's not on the screen just... in my head?
"you can't give up on me now. god, please max. you're my son. our son. i don't know what we would do without you. please... if there is any god... help him."

another pain in my chest. this one hurts more. i get thrown out of my seat and back on the concrete floor in the empty room. my parents are sitting on the sofa watching.

"i wonder how this one will end." my dad says, gabbing my mothers hand.

i yell. "DONT TOUCH HER."
my dad turns to me and shouts,

a huge pain shoots throughout my chest. worse than any pain i've felt before.


i wake up in a hospital, gasping for air. there's a tube in my throat, restricting me. i cant breathe. i cant. i cant. where's david? i try to speak the best i can, but my voice is hoarse and dull. "dAD." i gasp out. can't breathe. i cant breathe. cant breathe. cant... breathe.... can't....

1003 words

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