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adam's pov

every day that max was in that coma, i was there. i couldn't stand seeing him like that. i felt like it was all my fault. i should have done something. and now.... now... he's trapped in his own fucking body. god, this is all my fault.

every day at school was more difficult. i would constantly get bullied by the kids in my classes. i hated it. but then as soon as that bell rang, i sprinted out and on my way to the hospital. i had to see if max was awake. i had to see him to know he was still breathing. he was all i thought about.

i began getting even more depressed than i was before. even when my granddad died. even through all the bullying. it was never this bad.
max... he is just... everything to me. as soon as he came into my life, things got better. he actually fucking listened to me. and now... he's gone. i know he will be back. he has to come back. this is just another one of his pranks and he's gonna wake up any day now.

whenever i would go to the hospital, i would always see the different people that knew max.
everyday i was there, there was also this red headed man. he looked tired, like he was barely keeping it together. hell, i know i looked the same. he was hopeful though. he introduced himself to me as david, max's dad. he started telling me stories about max. how he took over a summer camp. when he was caught blazing in his room. and even when he first adopted him.

along with david, there was a girl named gwen. she would be there as much as possible, because she had to work a lot. she would always be there really late. she worked two jobs to help pay for medical bills. david worked as a teacher at pioneers elementary. gwen always looked sad. she had deep bags under her eyes and her hair was always a mess. her eyes seemed dull. she didn't talk much. when she did though, her words meant something.

mrs. cooper also stopped by the hospital sometimes. she was always such a happy person, it hurt to see her like this. sometimes she would be able to sneak in one of her small dogs in her purse. she would let me play with him. his name was akira. she also brought stories for max. she knew that he loved to read. one day, he asked her for book recommendations, but she never got around to making the list. now, she just brings in the books. progressively, huge stacks of books had collected all over the tables in max's room. there were so many, he ended up getting a shelf in there! a small one though.

i also met a little girl with green hair, and a boy that for some reason, always wore a turtle neck. the told me their names were nikki and neil. i laughed "i've heard a lot about you two."
we would spend hours there, until visiting hours were over. then, we would all part ways and go home.

one day, gwen looked over at me. it was just us in the room that day.
"why do you always come here?" she said suddenly. the room was dark. the only lights were coming from the machines and emergency lights. i stared at max.
"he's my friend... and i... i care about him a lot. i just want him to be okay." i felt my voice crack. i wanted to cry, but held it back. i haven't cried in so long, why now?
gwen leaned back in her chair.
"yeah... ya know, he was always the worst. but, ya just gotta love him. even when he was being a prick, he still cared. whenever he thought no one was looking, he'd relax a bit, uncross his arms, and maybe even smile. he thought i never noticed, but i did. underneath that facade, is just another kid. a kid that... just wants to feel loved. whose afraid and alone."
she trailed off a bit, i could tell how tired she was. she probably fell asleep. she was right though... max was a good kid.

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