a new home

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sorry idk who made this but if you do, plz let me know.

dadvid's pov

after last night, i knew what i had to do.

it was 5am, my usual wake up time. i tried to lift myself up, only to notice a sleeping max curled up on my chest. i chuckled a bit. he would have never done this at camp. been vulnerable around me. i'm glad he was finally okay.

this time, i was going to make sure max would be safe forever.

i didn't feel like getting up and escaping max's warmth, but unfortunately, i had to.
i gently picked up the small boy and set him down on the bed beside me. i then left to go make breakfast for us. as i walked out of the room and into the kitchen, i heard a loud snoring. i looked into the living room to see gwen sleeping in a very awkward position on the couch. oh this was definitely going to be future blackmail. i took a picture of gwen sleeping with her mouth open, drooling on the large pillow she had beneath her head.

honestly, to me she was still beautiful.

i started to look around the kitchen for something to make. i settled on eggs, sausage, and toast.

as i was cooking, gwen woke up and helped me out. she set the table and poured us all glasses of orange juice. then i heard a light patter down the hall. max walked into the area and looked at me and then at gwen. his face then lit up a bit, but returned back to its normal state. "mornin." he said as he sat down on the couch where gwen had been sleeping. "goooooood morning, max!" i said cheerfully. "hey, ya little shit." gwen said as she went over to where max was sitting and ruffled his hair. i saw in the reflection of the tv that he was smiling.

i wanted to always see that smile.

i set the food on the plates that were on the table. i called over to max and gwen that the food was ready. we all sat down and ate together. as we ate, i looked up at max. "ahem, so max... i was wondering if you uhh... maybe wanted to be my son?" max spat out the orange juice he was drinking. i rushed over to help him but he held up his hand and went to the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel to clean himself off. i sat back down as he walked back to the table. he sat down and looked at me. "so? i mean, its your choice and it's only if you want to-" he cut me off. "yes." he said quietly. i could feel my face light up. i could barely contain the smile that burst out of me. i looked over at gwen and she was smiling too. "on one condition, though." max said after taking a look at both gwen and i. "THAT YOU TWO STOP FLIRTING AND FINALLY JUST DATE EACH OTHER! i mean jeez! i'm eleven and i can tell that it's obvious."

gwen and i both looked at him, shocked. gwen and i started laughing and then looked at each other. "i mean, sure." she said. "yeah, really." i said. i felt my face go red and i looked at gwen. "WAIT REALLY?" i said loudly. he face was red too "i mean, only if you want to." she said. "oh my gosh yes. i just-" i was cut off by her kissing me quickly. "FINALLY." max shouted. we all laughed.

i was so excited. i finally had everything i ever wanted. a son. a life. gwen. everything was finally looking up for us.

i went to CPS and told them that i was going to adopt max. since i was already a foster parent, it was pretty easy. max and i filled out the documents together and submitted them the next day.

now i could always see his smile.

674 words

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