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Written by Noella
Alexander's POV:

Eliza stood alone in the garden. She didn't know I was standing behind her.

There was a dead flower on the floor. She kneeled down and picked it up. But something astonishing happened.

It started to glow in a light blue color. It lifted itself back up. She placed it back into the ground. It was alive.

The key around her neck began to glow. Mine started glowing, too. She turned around.

"Alex!" She gasped.

The keys stopped glowing. The went back to normal.

"Did you just resurrect a plant?" I asked in amazement.

"Heh. I guess I did." She replied.

"Hm. Wow. That's beautiful." I said.

Angelica ran over to us.

"Look what I can do!" She said excitedly.

She rolled her hands around. Her hands started glowing green. A rose formed.

"See! I can make flowers! With my hands!" She said.

"Eliza just brought a dead flower to life." I said.

Eliza blushed.

"Alex! I like you!" She squealed.

"Wait, what?" I said.

"I don't know where that came from..." She said.

Thomas came outside and said, "Sorry, it's just that everytime I ship something, it takes over."

"Oh." Eliza said, looking down.

John came outside, holding a bunny.

"Can we keep it?" He asked, looking all innocent.

"Where'd you find it?" Eliza asked.

"He was in the street and I felt bad for him." He replied in this really weird baby voice.

"John, you sound so pure." I said.

He giggled.

"AHHH MY HEART!" Thomas cried.

Suddenly, John and I were close together.

"What's happening!?" I cried.

"Lams!" Thomas squealed.

"What?" John said.

"You can't ship us against our will!" I screeched.

"Ugh, I'm sorry! It just... Happens." Thomas sighed.

Peggy was staring at us. She turned red, her fists clenched.

"Peggy?" John asked.

Fire spewed put from her fists.

"Peggy!" Angelica cried.

"I CAN'T CONTROL IT!" Peggy yelled.

Fire sparked everywhere. The whole garden was on fire.

"JOHN LOOK OUT!" Peggy screamed.

John gasped as a gust of fire came in his direction.

I quickly formed a shield of water in front of him, turning it into smoke.

I sprayed water all over the garden. There was no more fire, but there was nothing but ashes.

Peggy started crying and fell to the floor.

We all ran to her. John hugged her.

"I almost killed you." She sobbed.

"It's okay, Peggy. You didn't mean it." He replied.

I stared at the dead garden.

"It's destroyed." Thomas muttered.

"Hm..." Eliza said.

She got up and stood in the center of the garden. She lifted her fingers as a blue glow appeared. The garden began to live again. The flowers stood upright, the grass was a lush green color.

Our keys all glowed up at once. The feeling was rather extraordinary.

I felt a rush of heat, love, purity, beauty, water and nature flow through me.

Once Eliza finished, the keys went back to normal.

"What is going on around here?" Angelica asked.

"Maybe our parents know. I find it strange that we all have keys around are necks that glow." Eliza said.

We nodded and went to our parents in the main living room.

Maria's POV:

Everyone came inside. I stared at my hands.

"Maria, are you okay?" Alex asked.

"I... I was doing my hair, but my hair and hands started to glow red, my hair put itself into a braid... With these little red roses." I said, still amazed by what had happened.

"Let's go to our parents." Peggy said.

We got up and went into the main living room.

Our parents all sat on the couch.

We sat on the floor.

"What's wrong with us?" Eliza asked.

"What do you mean, darling?" Her mother asked.

"I just brought an entire garden to life, Angelica formed a rose with her hands, Peggy spewed fire from her hands, Maria's hair did itself, Thomas is making ships real just by saying it, and Alex just magically formed a shield of water out of his hands." Eliza replied.

Our parents all exchanged worried glances. They sighed.

"Alright. It's time you know the truth." Said my mother.

"Every 200 years, 7 special children are born. They are the Seven Keepers of the world. They are pretty much the guardians of their key.

"Those keys around your necks were given to you at birth. You are the Seven Keepers.

"Angelica: Keeper of Nature. Eliza: Keeper of Life. Thomas: Keeper of Love. Alexander: Keeper of Water. Peggy: Keeper of Fire. Maria: Keeper of Beauty. And John: Keeper of Purity.

"You are 12 now. Your abilities are now in action. You must be wise. You must know when to use your powers and how to control them. It's a bit all over the place now, but you'll get the hang of it.

We stared in shock.

"But why do they glow?" John asked.

Alexander's mother said, "Because you are all psychologically, mentally and emotionally connected. When Eliza brings life, you all feel it. It only works that way for her, being she has the strongest and most complex key. She holds life and death. It's powerful."

We stared at the keys. We nodded.

We headed into our bedrooms. It was getting late, we had to get ready for tomorrow.

Because tomorrow, we had to learn how to use our powers.

I practiced on my hair. It let itself out, falling over my eyes. It lifted itself up and moved itself to the side.

I changed into my pajamas.

I was nervous. But I knew that we could do this.

We were chosen, after all.

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