Thomas Is Having Challenges

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Chapter written by Trinity

Thomas's POV
I was sitting in my room thinking about how to fix what I started

"Ugh! Why is this so complicated!" I exclaimed I brought them together so why can't I keep them together!

I heard my door open

"Hey Tommy...."

I was Angelica but I could also tell that everyone was also there

"John told us that you were frustrated, and we wanted to help" Eliza said

"I don't need you help, just get out i can do this on my own" My voice just above a whisper

"But Thomas-" they all said

"Just get out leave me alone!" I shouted when i turned around i was face to face with Angelica and she was mad

"Fine then!" everyone left except for her she had one last thing to say

"We're over Thomas"

Then she walked out

I was so heart broken I didn't know what to do i suddenly realized it

I cant force people to be together

So I cut the sting between Angie and I

I cut the String between Peggy and John

I cut the string between Alex and Eliza

I cut the string between Maria and Laf

The string has to form on its own I cant make the string form

I cant control true love

I can control wether they are right for each other or not

///one week later////

I haven't been training with the group just by myself

I haven't come out of my room
Im an emotional mess

There's a soft knock on my door

"Come in" i said softly

"Hey, Thomas " Angie said

"Angelica" I replied

"I really like Alex and i was wandering if you could make him like me back" she said quickly

"Sorry Angie Im not cupid cant make that happen and besides Alex already has his eyes set on John" I said not looking up at her

"Fine! I thought you were suppose to be the one who controls love!"

I got angry at that


She looked taken back by my sudden out burst

"I don't control love, people choose who they want to love i can oly choose if that person is right for them
And alex is not right for you or John,he's right for Eliza" I explained to her

"Oh who's right for me" she questions

I look at her like she is stupid

" I don't know you'll find them one day" I whispered

She walked out of my room

She seemed happier without me

She doesn't need me

I made her upset

You made her this way

She hates you

She hates you


Authors note: just wanted to clear things up John, Thomas and Maria
Have 2 sides to them

John: purity/guilt


Maria:you probably know this one already

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