Johns letter, Thomas's Promise, Alexanders Poem.

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Written by Lani
John POV:

I wrote silently, the words spilled onto the page with ease, yet the still weren't quite right.

Me, Thomas, And Alexander each agreed to write what we felt, because after a long day of venting to each other that's what we needed.

Thomas however backed out, he said he'd rather tell Angelica face to face.

Meaning his feeling was none other then love.

Alex had been secretive with what he would write, I was not.

Because my feeling as well was love.

I'd be lying if I told you there was never a moment when I didn't feel some type of love, whether friend type of love or....Peggy type of Love.

I've always been loved somehow.

My letter, heh.

It was a letter addressed to my dearest.

That is not how I addressed her in this letter.

I adressed her not as if I were to give her the letter now, but in her old age.

It covered any topic I would hope to go over.

Death, breakup, love, and hope.

I wouldn't dare gift her with it until I was gone off the face of our Earth.

The letter said:

My dearest, Margarita

How has life been? Are you well? I'm terribly sorry if I'm not there by your side, whether it is because I've died or because we've broken up. I love you either way though, I don't believe it has ever withered if we've broken up, and it is one that rest assured I have taken to the afterlife with me if I'm dead. Separation from you Peggy would tear me to pieces even in my current young age. Ha! Even now in struggling to write this by myself without your help, I've gotten too accustomed to your presence with me every part of the day! I mean, you've always been by my side all day everyday since we were toddlers of 2  years. I must sound so formal, I don't intend to be. I only intend to be a help for when you finally read this. If it is that im dead, do we have children? Were we married? I can only hope you're okay if that is the case. My fiery girl, how I love you, dearest.

Yours truly,
          John Laurens.

I sighed as I read the letter for the hundredth Time today,

I do hope that the reason she'll read this is because death took over and not arguments.

Thomas's POV:

"Ange...." I said softly, Angelica turned to me and smiled.

"Can I speak to you?" I asked, she nodded and walked with me.

We walked outside where nobody was.

"What's wrong?" She asked, I shook my head and started talking.

"So....Me and the guys -minus Laf- where talking, we basically where just venting to each other, they agreed to write what they were feeling, I said I would say it. I feel loved, by you." Angelica smiled and playfully crossed her arms "I-erm just wanted to promise something...a promise I didn't keep the first time" she tilted her head confused. "I promise I'll show you how much I love you, I promise I'll never leave your side" I ranted, she smiled and ran her hand through my curls.

"I know" she said, I nodded and looked away "I promise, I don't break promise's"

Alexander POV:

My poem, it wasn't as great as I'd like it to be.

It was for Eliza after all, It has to be as great as her.

Is that possible?

For something to be as great as Eliza?



Here's my poem.

My dearest Eliza.

If the birds stopped chirping I'd be fine,
All because you're by my side.
If the moon stayed up i'd be alright,
All because you are my light.
If death took toll trust me i'd go happily,
All because you'd run right after me.
You'd be the Light in the darkest of times.
The one who'd bring life, when I don't saver mine.
I can't be happier to call you mine.

Each word was true, each said something that described Eliza.

I don't believe she'd be satisfied with such a short poem, but it's the best I can do.

The last line is the most true.

"I can't be happier to call you mine"

And I can't, I'm almost sure I'm already the happiest man alive.

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